Monday, October 8, 2007

More Sony News than you can shake a SIXAXIS AT!

It was just announced that Sony is coming out with a 40 GB PS3 SKU for Europe on October 10th and the US on Nov. 2(the US date is only rumored). The
40GB PS3 Story comes from PS3Fanboy. This comes after the 80GB SKU with Motorstorm was released back in August which only complicated the 60GB launch model. There was even a 20GB model back when the system launched. The main difference between all of these models is obviously the hard drive size but features or lack there of are also a part of this deal. With the newest SKU, Sony is dropping support for backwards compatibility. This feature was sp essential to the system's success that many game journalists said before the system was confirmed that the lack of backwards compatibility would be a ridiculous move and the rumor of such had to be a complete fabrication. But in a story from Slashdot among others on October 5th confirmed the fact that the 40GB PS3 would have no backwards compatibility. this fact was explained by the lack of the semi conductors necessary to achieve the PS2 backwards compatibility.
When asked about the prices and the reaction of the early adopters Ray Mcguire told PS3Fanboy,
"As products evolve the offerings change because they have to adapt to the needs of the consumers but I don't think it's been particularly confusing in six months to go from stand alone, to a bundled proposition into a low price entry level model ... We also have to remember that consumers don't search around the world for different configurations. We are a global company but we have to act locally as well."G.I. Biz....
The real answer is, if we knew that charging that much for the system would be such a financial disaster we wouldn't have done it in the first place. But the systems are so different and so divergent that it seems like an identity crisis and a financial disaster rather than an evolving product line. They are certainly following the disastrous XBOX 360 model where they come out with a new system every couple of months. At least they are mostly making additions and no gross subtractions like the PS3 is doing.
Sony just posted that they need advertising folks working for them to keep Home free. This was expected considering it's a free online service. What is more interesting is the fact that the service hasn't launched yet and this content ravenous service better not be populated solely by advertising rather than real content about and for games.
With the Sony's focus on advertising and hardware it appears that Sony is in good shape with everything except where they really need help, SOFTWARE!

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