Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Free Games for September for Playstation Plus Members

Battlefield 1 Day 0 Full Match of Conquest on Sinai(Match 3)(PS4)

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Destiny: Rise of Iron – Forged in Fire ViDoc (PS4)

       I would love to do a feature about Destiny, specifically how it’s changed over the course of the last year or so.  Would you guys want to watch something like that, it’s going to probably take a while to make; so I don’t want to do it if no one is going to watch it.  Please leave a comment one or way another.

Madden 17 Kickoff Live(Might be watching a recording)

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Gameplay Trailer(Gamescom 2016)(PC, PS4, XBOXONE)

Resident Evil 7 biohazard: Lantern Gameplay Trailer( PS4)

Tekken 7 : Lee Chaolan/Violet Reveal Trailer(XB1, PS4, PC)

Injustice 2: Harley Quinn and Deadshot Trailer(PS4/XBOXONE)

For Honor: How different Heroes Play different Roles on the Battlefield

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Titanfall 2 Live From Gamescom(recording)(PS4,XBOXONE, PC)

Eichenwalde | New Map Preview | Overwatch(PC/PS4/XBOXONE)

Gears of War 4: 4K Gamescom Debut(Make sure to readjust your settings for 4K)

Heroes of the Storm: Machines of War Battleground Trailer

Heroes of the Storm: New Heroes and Skins(In development)

Heroes of the Storm: Machines of War New Battleground(In development)

Transformers Fall of Cybertron for PS4 and XBOX ONE Update!

  So as it turns out the Transformers Fall of Cybertron title that was recently released for PS4 and XBOX ONE, was not a remaster.  Just a port from, what looks to be the PC.  This is what I suspected when the game was never announced because the first question any journalist would have asked would have been,

      “Is this a remaster or a port?”

  And this would have put them in a bad position.  So rather than doing that they just pushed it out and hoped everyone buys the game; then realizes that they didn’t do anything to it except bring it over from the PC and give the player access to all the online content.  Not worth $50. For the record, this game seems to ONLY be available digitally.  So it will either hit a rock bottom price during a PSN or XBOX LIVE sale or just stay at it’s regular price forever.  Needless to say, don’t buy it.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Brut@l Runs! Week 1 Episode 1(PS4/PC)


         Watch for more episodes weekly, right here on Hades Times or on my Youtube Channel.  Love this game.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Mafia 3: The World of New Bordeaux Gameplay Video Series 1: City Districts(PS4, XBOX ONE, PC)

     Not usually the type of game I’m into(GTA-like).  But there are so many interesting systems and things going on in this game that I’m probably going to give it a shot if the reviews turn out to be positive.

Witcher 3 Complete Edition(PS4, XBOX ONE, PC)

       The complete edition is showing on Amazon for only $49.99 and it releases August 30th 2016. 

Titanfall 2 Single Player Official Gameplay Trailer!(XBOX ONE, PS4, PC)

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Backlog: Assassin’s Creed Chronicles China(PS4)

Dead Rising 10th Anniversary Trailer!(PS4, XBOXONE,PC)


            This comes in right about the time we are going to start look at Dead Rising 4 for this holiday.  Also, there is a bundle on Playstation store with all three of these pieces of content for, I think $50.  Might want to check that out if you want all of it.  I’m really interested in how the PC version will be.  1080p, 60 Fps is fine for console.  But I’m hoping the PC version, will be able to bump those numbers up a little; if you have the rig for it.  I was never a big Dead Rising fan back in the day.  But I definitely got into Dead Rising 2, and Off the Record.  Both pretty good games.  I will be interested to hear what new fans think of the original game as it is quite unique in this day and age.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

New Ride Episode 2(Forza Motorsport 6)(XBOX ONE)

Transformers Fall of Cybertron(2016) Comes out Today! For $50?



   So this is weird.  Transformers Fall of Cybertron comes out today for PS4 and XBOX ONE.  Guess they were scared to do anything for PC after Marvel Ultimate Alliance.  But this is coming out for $50!  It does include all the multiplayer packs etc…  But this is the type of thing you could buy for last gen consoles for like $10.  And PC?  Well, I think it was around $8.00 or less on the last Steam sale.  So this better be remastered and have lots of great stuff in it or it’s just a crappy cash grab.  Which might be why no one knew about it until today.  I guess we will all find out soon enough.  Needless to say, don’t buy this until some outlets review it or at least look at it.  I will keep you folks posted if I find anything out.

No Man’s Sky Launch Trailer (PS4)

      Want to play this one on PC, eventually.  But my current PC wouldn’t make it any better than the PS4.  So I’ll be waiting…

Brut@l ‘s Dungeon Creator looks very impressive for a Console Creator Tool(PS4)

Brut@l Launches Today on PSN! (PS4)

As Promised Some Lucio Ball Footage

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Elder Scrolls Legends Beta Story Mode Gameplay(PC)


     Commentary didn’t work for this video, guessing the audio on the PC was just too HOT! But it’s pretty self explanatory.

New Ride Episode 1! (Forza Motorsport 6)(XBOX ONE)

Friday, August 5, 2016

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Quake Champions Debut Gameplay Trailer

     Just right for the casual market….  I bet you can run it on any PC as well…

DOOM Updates: Multiplayer Weeee



     To be fair there is a little more.  But Doom’s multiplayer always seemed to me to be it’s weakest part.  This is just from playing the betas on console.  But I’ve kind of heard the same from other people who own it on PC as well.

Prey Official Gameplay Trailer


    So Prey is looking more and more like Dead Space 2017. That’s fine…  Just looked like so much more than that at E3.  Perhaps we will find out more of substance next year.  So far, I’m in either way.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

ABZU First Chapter Playthrough!

ABZU Reveiw



Giant Squid Games

5/5 Stars

             ABZU is one of those games that cannot be easily described.  In my Youtube video I described ABZU as a exploration game.  Which it is, but there is more to it than that.  There are lots of secrets in ABZU.  The depths of which may or may not be apparent to the average person watching videos on Youtube, Twitch, etc…  The problem with this is that the game is not exactly a slow burn in all things.  It can take as long as you are willing to move.  But if you move straight to the end like an arrow; you will be missing almost all of the game.  I would venture that the faster you move through the game the less of the game you see.  I would say that the critical path, if you can say that there is ACTUALLY a critical path.  The game will probably obfuscate around 60% of itself.  If this is the kind of game you like, underwater exploration, make sure you do a through job of exploration.


       If you don’t like underwater exploration then this game will probably be a pass for you.  There is something else in there of course.  But not enough for you to appreciate if you don’t like this sort of thing.  I really loved this part of the game myself.  I could have scarcely imagined a better game than the one Giant Squid put together here.  I really loved riding all of the large undersea life; the game gives you an incredible mix of control or lack there of in many cases.

         ABZU does work as more than an undersea exploration game.  But without the exploration there really is very little point in playing.  It took me slightly less than two hours to complete the game.  Not finding all the secrets and not in some cases doing a very good job of exploration.  I will probably play 90% of the all the way through at least one more time to pick everything else up.  There is a chapter select once you finish the game, so you can move back through previous sections to get secrets and find anything else you might have missed.  Which considering I’m missing two hidden trophies, I’m guessing I missed something big.

         By this point you can probably imagine that I REALLY like this game.  I would say that not only do I really love this game it is definitely in the top 5 of my games for this year.  I would say that you should buy the game for either PS4 or PC.  That’s about all I can say without unnecessarily spoiling anything for you.

Inside PS4 Reveal Trailer


   So now everyone will get to play Inside.  I will still probably be picking this up eventually for the PC.  But that’s great.  I wonder how having time exclusives helps companies.  Because I don’t really think this did much, in this VERY short period of time for Microsoft.

Monday, August 1, 2016