Friday, November 9, 2007

Uncharted Drakes Forutne Demo crashes on to PSN!

If you had any illusions about Drake's Fortune being the next Tomb Raider your going to have a big surprise when you play the demo now on PSN Store. The game is equal parts action game shooter and platformer. The game isn't especially difficult as long as you keep one thing in mind. Enemies take three shots to the body before going down and headshots are not impossible but not easy to get.
The jumping and very light puzzle solving are much easier than Tomb Raider. Personally. I'm not much for the every man style. I like the whole hot babes with guns thing a lot better. Yeah, I'm a guy, sue me.
This looks to be the third game this year to really make the PS3 shine. There are certainly plenty of flat textures in this game but who knows the final retail will probably be more polished.
The gameplay is good and with a little more polishing the game would be even better. I really can't wait to see the final product. Great job Naughty Dog, to think I all ways hated Jak and Daxter.

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