Monday, November 12, 2007

A little less Kotaku a little more Escapist!

Hey intrepid reader how's it going?
On this end... Not so much... In the past weeks and months on this blog; content has shifted to a much more news related format and has veered away from the more intellectually based content that deals more with the culture of video games. This revelation was shone brightly to this author when he was reading through his newsreader after a busy day of work. I know that people love sites like Kotaku and Joystiq. But this blog and it's originator, the HDCGAMER BLOG. Were not created to be news outlets. Rather they were created to discuss the culture of video games and those who play them. Not just news. While news is important it comes in waves and some news is just not worth printing.
What you'll be seeing here in the future is a mix of news and cultural editorials. I know that some people have grown used to this rapid fire content of the past three or four months. But this will not be completely abandoned only scaled back to allow for more thoughtful articles.
But in the interest of fairness, if there is anyone out there who is burning to get their name and stuff on this site and wishes to do the news 7 days a week; I welcome them to email me at This will not be a paid position as I wasn't getting paid for it. So bear that in mind.
Thank You for your support and hopefully you will enjoy what is to come.

Timothy "HDCGAMER" Pecoraro

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