Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dragon Age Journeys: This game is incredible and FREE!


          This is not a review of Dragon Age Journeys!  This game is freaking incredible and you might as well head over there RIGHT NOW and play it for a couple of hours and then come back and read the rest of this.  The game is 2D and a turn based strategy game.  The game allows you to create and customize a character and head out into the world of Dragon Age and into the Deep Roads.  Which is a pinnacle part of the novels that have been presented so far; so I'm guessing it will be a big part of the Dragon Age Origins at least in part.  You are able to team up with random group members and go off and kill monsters, level up, and find loot.  But the BEST AND MOST INCREDIBLE PART of the game is that the when you unlock enough achievements in Dragon Age Journeys you get to unlock in game items for Dragon Age Origins.  These are not crazy unlockables that you have to find over the course of the game or do something stupid like killing the same mob 150 times.  The achievements are actually just for normal game progression.  So EVERYONE who spends enough time on the game will eventually get them all.

     The game seems like it would be annoyingly simple and boring.  But the game is actually very addictive and deep.  I am around 6 hours into the game and I still love it.  Yes this game is long, it's a little grindy, but it is FREE and the story is pretty good.  Not great, but pretty good.

    I just kind of wonder why Bioware or EA spent the money necessary to create this game.  I guess Dragon Age Origins is one of the most important games for them this year.  Which I was a little surprised by.  I can't wait to see what else they do to market the title.  This is definitely an incredible first step.

    I know I was raking on both Bioware and EA for charging for day one DLC.  But if this is the kind of thing that, that stuff pays for.  I might be talked into thinking its worth it to pay the price.  The more I see of Dragon Age Origins the more I like it.

   No matter how you feel about Dragon Age Origins so far, go over and try Dragon Age Journeys; its lots of fun.  Oh yeah, 5/5.  Get it for your browser for free today.  That's it, my game rating for the year.  Now go out and get it.


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