Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Backlog: Apotheon Review


       So, this is Backlog.  It’s a new feature that basically consists of me going through my PS4 library and play games that I either purchased or got for free but never played or never played very much.  I’m going to play the games either all the way through or as in this case, as far as I can stand it.  So here we go…


      Apotheon is a pretty good game, if it wasn’t so boring.  The game is set in an alternate Ancient Greece.  Where the Gods have abandoned humanity and have left them to their own devices.  It’s a pretty similar story to God of War without the action and gore.  The game mostly consists of fetch quests.  Other than that the platforming is annoying and the actual fighting is little more than an annoyance.  I basically hated the game.  And I had to do two over one hours sessions to capture game play.  Only to find out my capture device screwed up the first one.  So I put this back through the PS4 to get the footage.  Which is why I didn’t have any voice over for the game.  This is literally my first attempt at doing something like this.  But never fear I’ve worked out my technical problems and we will be all good come the next game.  Promise.  Anyway, if you haven’t bought Apotheon, for PS4 or PC.  Just don’t it’s not worth your time.  It wasn’t even worth the two hours I spent on it.

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