Sony has confirmed their 40GB harddrive model for only 399 Euros. Read all about it here.
All of this stuff has made a lot of waves in the news lately and it seems like Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo are still trying to perpetuate their launch year excitement by continuously announcing new SKUs and special editions of old SKUs with minor tweaks. The real problem with Sony especially doing this; is that it seems as though they STILL haven't figured out why their console isn't selling. The fact that the PSP was selling at $249 and it had practically nothing good running on it was testament to the fact that as long as a system has a descent number of games; people will buy it.
Oh yeah, I said it, "A DESCENT NUMBER OF GAMES!" I didn't say good games did I? No, I didn't. Sony needs to stop worrying about hardware on the retail side and send all their hardware monkeys out to developers to ensure that their third and first party developers make their release dates and use the full power of the system.
If that isn't enough to keep them busy, perhaps pushing HOME through it's paces and getting all the promised content from two years ago going on the service. Better still perhaps making the Playstation Network Store a descent place, rather than something that looks like it was designed and put up on the same day.
Doing all these expensive refits for new SKUs only confuses potential consumers and generally makes people who were early adopters angry. I know there are only about 1,000(joking) of them so maybe Sony doesn't care too much but...
With all the Halo news and hype lately; Sony would do well to get going on it's own marketing campaign for whatever it thinks will be out this holiday season. Since so many big titles are getting pushed back; they should probably start hyping Folklore and Ratchet and Clank: Future Tools of Destruction. Not on late night cable, but on primetime. Like during Chuck, Heroes, or CSI?
Sony doesn't need new hardware, what they need is some new software!
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