This is from Planet Unreal's Preview of UT3."The PS3 version is indeed scheduled to be released shortly after the PC version, but it’s evident that this isn’t due to any sort of technical difficulty. A PS3 was up and running UT3 along side the PC’s, and it looked to be identical. The difference in release simply comes down to Epic’s desire to get UT3 in stores this November, and it was their choice to favor the loyal PC players first. A Xbox 360 version will come at some time, but specifically when we don’t know."
This is some insane news considering the supposed reason for the delay of the PS3 version IS technical difficulties. I really wonder what the heck is going on. Delaying a game perhaps until February because they want to give their loyal PC fans the game first. Seems a little insane. What this bolsters is the idea that perhaps the PS3 version will be out before the end of 2008.
I would really love to hear more form Epic Games about all this. Definitely would love to hear what the status of the PS3 and Pc versions are now that the demo is out. Also, was the demo simply to get tweaks taken care or to judge server load or what? For a game still scheduled to come out in less than 2 months it would be wonderful to see more information on the game.
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