"To those of you waiting for a price cut on the Wii, keep waiting. And stop being so damned cheap. In an interview with Reuters, Nintendo's George Harrison states that there's no plans to cut the price of the Wii in the US."We'll stay at USD 249 for the foreseeable future," says Harrison, as he rolls over in a pit of gold to scratch his back. "We are still selling everything we can make."
And he's right -- demand for the console is still high. Even with the promise of increased unit shipments this Holiday, there's still the threat of a shortage. Wii Sports is a very, very good game, guys."Destructoid...
OK, so who asked this and why? If you supposedly can't make enough to meet the demand of something, what would lowering the price do for you? Decrease your profits and you would have an even bigger demand that you couldn't fill... Sounds really smart... All I have to say is that there is no Wii price cut and the Pope is still Catholic. Go back to your lives...
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