Hey, I'm normally a pretty easy going guy. But I was in a match yesterday with a bunch of folks playing TF 2. The game is wonderful... Lots of fun classes with lots of fun weapons. The problem with the game seems to be LAG! All it takes is one dude with a crappy setup and you are playing pixel ballet for the next few minutes while the system tries to get a grip. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.
Yesterday, there was one guy on the other team with a laggy connection. At the end of the first round we had managed to kill all most all of them and for a spilt second I was the only one by the control point. Once I was completely over the point and it said point taken, we won the round. I guess this was a big mistake because, it somehow dumped my whole team off the server except for one other person and myself. We two happy campers wanted to keep our scores; Well, this guy hung around doing nothing for around 5 minutes and then realized that I couldn't defeat the whole other team all by myself.
Then he turned into a spy and tried to single handedly beat the whole other team using backstabs. That didn't work, so for the last two minutes we tried working together to beat them. But by then, the other team had built up enough turrets to kill us before we got close enough to the control point for it to matter.
The problem with here. of course, is that this lag is completely ridiculous and unacceptable. If the game cannot be played with 12/12 or 16/16 except on a T1 cable then we shouldn't be allowed to do it without that kind of connection. Hosts need to be chosen better. Also, since Valve are the wizards of technology they should allow people to have their XBOX 360 act as a dedicated server for people. I for one, would be happy to do that.
Barring all that, we NEED A PATCH!
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