Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Dead Rising 10th Anniversary Trailer!(PS4, XBOXONE,PC)


            This comes in right about the time we are going to start look at Dead Rising 4 for this holiday.  Also, there is a bundle on Playstation store with all three of these pieces of content for, I think $50.  Might want to check that out if you want all of it.  I’m really interested in how the PC version will be.  1080p, 60 Fps is fine for console.  But I’m hoping the PC version, will be able to bump those numbers up a little; if you have the rig for it.  I was never a big Dead Rising fan back in the day.  But I definitely got into Dead Rising 2, and Off the Record.  Both pretty good games.  I will be interested to hear what new fans think of the original game as it is quite unique in this day and age.

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