Thursday, February 4, 2010

Aliens Vs. Predator Multiplayer Demo, Video, and Comparison(Updated 2/5/2010)

          I was able to play this demo(360 version) this afternoon; it's about as difficult as any modern shooter.  However, playing as a Space Marine seems a little uneven from the other two.  Playing as a Predator or an Alien both seem like comparable experiences.  But the Space Marines, at least in free for all deathmatch mode; seem to be unconscionably under powered.  Having the motion detector doesn't help enough to compensate for not being able to see in infrared or just being able to see any opponent in outline.  I would say that most of the time I died as a marine either in head to head conflict or getting stabbed in the back without knowing that the enemy was there.

          Update Starts here: Decided I'd drop the full update here and change the title a little.  First and foremost I would like to thank all of the wonderful people who read my Twitter and that have PS3s.  Because I got some serious response when asking for some people to play with.  Thanks guys.  If you don't have the power of Twitter on your side you might have a SERIOUSLY hard time finding people to play with in this multiplayer demo on the PS3.  In fact, I was unable to find anyone BUT the people who I specifically joined because they were on my friends list.  This is sad, as the PS3 versions controls are a little tighter than the 360s, once I got used to them.  And the game in general does look a little better than the 360.  Not that you would really notice too much in multiplayer as you will be zooming around trying to find people to kill.  But I would think in the campaign mode things would be quite different.  This is a free demo, so if there aren't people playing now... You get the idea right?

       Moving on to the PC version.  The PC version, with everything turned up, looks far and away better than the other two, has no lag and is probably the one you should buy if you have a good PC that can handle it.  The demo is free on Steam so go download it.  The controls will take some getting used to, but frankly I found myself making a lot more kills on the PC. Only because the controls are MORE responsive than either of the two versions.  This could also be that lack of lag, I was referring to earlier.  Also, for some reason the sound seemed a little better.  Maybe it's my HD audio card, don't know... 

       So in the end, the PC version wins, followed closely by the PS3, with the 360 bringing up the rear.  However, this IS a demo and things could change with the 360 when they hit final code.  Also, I have to say that once you get used to the lag, in both the PS3 and 360 versions things are fine.  Finally, if you don't have a lot of friends that are online ALOT and have a pre-orders for this game.  You might consider the 360 version anyway considering there are all most as many people playing the 360 version as the PC version.  Average wait time was less than 30 seconds for the PC and less than a minute on the 360. PS3? About an hour unless you have people on your friends list playing.

      BTW, this game rocks, it's addictive and lots of fun.  It isn't complicated but it hooks you and won't let go, and I haven't even played the team modes or the campaign.  Get the idea? Download the demo! No matter the version.  The game releases for 360, PS3, and PC on February 16th 2010.  Look for a review sometime after that.  Because I WILL be picking this one up!


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