Monday, January 4, 2010

World of Warcraft Official Magazine Issue #1 arrives!


      Just want to say right off that I stopped playing World of Warcraft last September.  Which made the half year subscription to the Official World of Warcraft Magazine the month before kind of bad timing for me.  I will probably go back once Cataclysm hits but my top character is only level 78, so I would have some work to do anyway.  The reason I left Warcraft were all the problems I kept seeing in the game and things that I felt were just crazy and I wished they would fix.  Although some of these fixes have been addressed not all of them.  But none of this is really what I wanted to talk about here; it only serves as a kind of back story for my World of Warcraft experience and the reason why I feel I'm not the typical fanboy who got this magazine and freaked out about how good it is.

    But the magazine, even given it's $40 for 4 magazine price tag; is probably the GREATEST MAGAZINE I've EVER SEEN!  There are no ads, no garbage. and best of all; HUGE LONG ARTICLES.  The art in the magazine is without peer; the articles deal with relevant World of Warcraft issues and gameplay not a book of advertising.  Future, who published this magazine, did an EXCELLENT JOB!  The magazine isn't the hardcover I was expecting, which is fine.  But it certainly is more like EDGE, a top-tier British game magazine, than anything else out there right now.  I know that Future is still publishing the Official Xbox Magazine. PC GAMER,  and the aforementioned Edge Magazine.  But neither periodical is even close to the quality of the World of Warcraft Magazine.

   My plea, is for more video game magazines to be like this one.  I would gladly pay $10 and issue for every game magazine I purchased if they were all of this quality.  If this is a distribution issue or a printing issue I would like to know if the web-only subscription based model that the World of Warcraft magazine has is the ONLY way this kind of thing could be done.  Because honestly if that's what it takes; fine.

   Considering how off the current video game magazines are from the news and reviews of the day.  I would REALLY like to see a quarterly printed magazine with more articles about video game culture, walthroughs, art, and other stuff that we normally wouldn't see in game magazines now. Go crazy guys, we will pay.  Drop the previews and maybe condense the reviews to the most interesting games of that 30 day period rather than just all of them.  Wouldn't we ALL like to see a video game magazine with NO ADS?  I know I would!

   In closing if you haven't picked up your World of Warcraft Magazine subscription yet, go over and get it.  It's worth the money.  Oh, and unlike me; you might want to be sure that your still going to be playing World of Warcraft when you get the last issue of the magazine.


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