Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Devil May Cry 4: the Problem with installation?

   The new Devil May Cry game on the PS3 installs the game to the hard drive.  Similarly to Resistance Fall of Man, Ridge Racer 5, Ratchet and Clank Future, Tools of Destruction, Burnout Paradise, Uncharted Drakes Fortune, and Folklore.  Every single one of these games allowed you to install the game if you so chose.  Why would you do this?  Well, to make the game run better.   How does this work?  Well, the Blu Ray disc spins significantly slower than the average DVD so installing the game allows the processor to access the hard drive rather than the disc when necessary.  Therefore making the game run more smoothly.  Devil May Cry takes this a step further by doing it automatically...


   ""It's true: the first time you drop your DMC4 Blu-ray disc into your PS3 tray, you're going to be treated to an exciting 22-25 minute load process as the disc spins a few gigs of data onto your hard drive," writes Chris Kramer, senior director of Communications and Community. "While the game is loading, you get to watch a really nifty series of screens that completely catch you up on the DMC4 backstory. Think of it as compressing the last three 'seasons' into a single info blast, accompanied by some fantastic DMC artwork."Capcom...

  The game runs much more smoothly and there are virtually no load times.  It is certainly worth the wait.  The better question is why does a multi-core processor take 22-25 minutes to install that amount of data.  Which is a question I have for the PS3 in general considering the fact the machine appears able to only do one thing at a time.  Except that a computer with the same number of processors can do multiple things at a time.

   But my point in bringing all this up is, "WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL?"

   One of the best games to EVER be on the PS3 is getting more press for this installation thing than it is for being an absolutely incredible game.

Long story short, STOP WHINING and play the game!

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