Friday, November 30, 2007

More on Gertsmann's Firing

Hit the jump for the info in detail. I'm updating everything on the original post. I would just like to say that if this was the New York Times or the Washingtom Post firing a guy over a controversial story there would be people picketing the paper and writing angry letters to paper owners.
Secondly, I would love to know why the rest of the folks over at Gamespot haven't left. I know people have bills to pay but if it could happen to a veteran like Gerstmann it could happen to anyone.
-UPDATE- But wait there's more.... Most of your questions will be answered.
"Developments have slowed down a little bit over the weekend, but there is still plenty of chatter around the web about Gamespot's controversial firing of Jeff Gerstmann. Among the juicier bits from around the intertubes:
One thing is clear: This story is not going away anytime soon.

[Thanks to all the tipsters who sent items in]"Joystiq....

XBOX 360 Fall Update: 1UP brings us a lovely video

Discovery Channel's Rise of Video Games: It started out as history, what is it now?

  • Premiere: Wednesday, Nov. 28, at 8 p.m. ET/PT
    In the late 1970s and 1980s, instead of controlling "things" like spaceships and tennis rackets, videogame technology let players command recognizable characters with real faces and back stories. Game developers were liberated to create more complex video games with heroic journeys — and Japanese creators like Shigeru Miyamoto rose to prominence with star characters Mario, Donkey Kong and Zelda. But in the 1990s, Generation X emerged and the games of their childhood couldn't satisfy the new teen angst that now permeated pop culture. With Sega's Genesis and Sony's PlayStation, gamers dismissed cutesy cartoon characters in favor of grittier heroes like Sonic the Hedgehog and anti-heroes in games like Grand Theft Auto III. As players grew up, their youthful idealism was replaced with a warier view of the world and a yearning for photorealistic, angry anti-heroes. This episode features interviews with Trip Hawkins (Silicon Valley entrepreneur and co-founder of Electronic Arts), Al Lowe (creator of Leisure Suit Larry), Tim Schafer (creator of Full Throttle) and other notable figures in the gaming industry."Discoverychannel...
OK, the first show was pretty bad. But this show? Who wrote this? The show begins where it left off. But when they reach the Playstation One they go directly to the present. Talking about the newest technology and trying to talk about how Hollywood has taken notice. The main theme of the show seems to be about stories in games. They try to say that Super Mario Brothers has a story? What story is that? Save the princess? I suppose that's a story. For a 2nd grader.

There is much hyperbole about how important games are becoming in the larger medium and I really hate to say that this is really an exaggeration. The mass media industries aren't taking any more notice of video games than just another form to publicize their latest film or try in some pathetic attempt to get more money out of people who play games. It's not about excitement or passion folks, it's about money. This also makes me wonder, if games are so important why isn't this show on CBS, ABC, or NBC rather than Discovery Channel?

I know I've been hard on this show. I am really happy it exists. I just wish it was better. But since it became cool to have shows about video games on cable, isn't that what we all have wanted...

Thursday, November 29, 2007

HDCGAMER Podcast Episode 6

We do Newsstand this week and keep it under an hour. That isn't all but you are going to have to listen to find out that much.

Click here to subscribe

Penny Arcade explains what happened to Jeff Gerstmann!

"After publishing a critical review of Eidos’ new shooter, Kane and Lynch: Dead Men, long-time Gamespot reviewer Jeff Gerstmann today finds himself without a job.

According to a fellow Gamespot contributor and close friend of Gerstmann who wished to remain anonymous, the editor was fired Wednesday morning because of his negative review of the game, which he awarded a 6.0. Comparably speaking, Metacritic lists Kane and Lynch as currently having a 68% average from critics. I recently reviewed the game, bestowing it with a score of 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Eidos is heavily advertising Kane and Lynch on Gamespot this week, including interactive Flash banners.

The latest Penny-Arcade comic features a brief overview of this controversy. However, because the comic isn’t scheduled to ‘go live’ until tomorrow, commentary from neither Gabe nor Tycho is yet provided.

Gerstmann had been with Gamespot since 1996 and was largely responsible for its growth. Several past reviews of his have been controversial, including an 8.8 awarded to Twilight Princess and a 10.0 for Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3.

It is possible that other factors contributed to Gerstmann dismissal in addition to the review, although this is completely unsubstantiated at the present. While we stand behind the information presented here and our source, no official announcement has been made by Gerstmann or Gamespot. Expect more details to emerge online in the next 24 hours"Primotech...

More on the way as I know it for sure. I don't want to print rumors but I don't honestly think we will know too much for a fact. Normally these kinds of things have a way of being made to silently go away.

UPDATE-Shacknews puts some more out there and it's not good!

"Report: GameSpot's Gerstmann Fired Due to Negative Kane & Lynch Review
Nov 29, 2007 9:09pm CST
Rumors have been swirling today that Jeff Gerstmann, executive editor at CNET-owned major video game site GameSpot, was fired after giving a generally unimpressed review of Io Interactive's Kane & Lynch: Dead Men. Gerstmann awarded the game a 6.0. (Though Shacknews does not score its reviews, our own Kane & Lynch review was similar in its verdict.)

According to the reports, the layoff came after Kane & Lynch publisher Eidos took issue with the review and threatened to pull its considerable ad contract. GameSpot's front page is currently almost entirely re-skinned with Kane & Lynch imagery.

The rumor began bouncing around various industry circles over the past day, and this evening was reported by Kotaku. Popular webcomic Penny Arcade posted a strip about the alleged incident tonight, outside of its normal publishing schedule.

Shacknews can confidently confirm via its own sources that Gerstmann was indeed fired yesterday from his position at GameSpot. The source declined to comment as to whether the firing was directly related to the reported Eidos situation, but the circumstances are suspicious at the least.

Gerstmann had been an employee at GameSpot for about a decade, and took the place of former executive editor Greg Kasavin when Kasavin left the company to work for Electronic Arts as a producer"Shacknews...

UPDATE-Not much new but it's something
We just got off the phone with Sarah Cain, a CNET spokesperson who wanted to amend CNET's previous statement to Joystiq on the recent firing of executive editor Jeff Gerstmann. While reiterating that CNET does not discuss personal employee matters with the press, Cain said directly that "we do not terminate employees based on external pressure from advertisers." When asked specifically about whether any such pressure was even attempted on Eidos' part, Cain had no comment. We're still waiting for a response to multiple e-mail requests for comment by Eidos PR.

While we had Cain on the line, we also asked her about the odd disappearance of Gerstmann's video review of the game from the GameSpot site. She responded by pointing out a note at the bottom of the still-running text review for the game, which states that "this review has been updated to include differences between the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions and a clarification on the game's multiplayer mode."

When pressed for clarification, Cain said that this note applied to the video review as well. "At the bottom of the post of the [text] review we made a note that we have updated the review, and we made those decisions based on our own editorial standards," she said. "It was our decision to take down the [video] review." Given this justification, we can't help but wonder why GameSpot couldn't just edit the video review, as they did the text version. Why remove the entire thing if the problem was really just a "clarification?" When asked just that question, Cain reiterated her initial statement."Joystiq...
"It's been a couple weeks discussing reviews and reviewers around here, but somewhere along the way I neglected to mention that their job is essentially impossible. The 7-9 scale they toil under is largely the result of an uneasy peace between the business and editorial wings of the venue. No matter what score they give it, high or low, they're reviled equally by the online chorus. Apparently, even when they do it right they're doing it wrong.

Jeff Gerstmann is no stranger to controversy. In general terms, Gamespot can be relied upon to give high-profile games scores which are slightly lower than their counterparts elsewhere. It's almost as though there is an algorithm in place there to correct the heady rush associated with cracking open an anticipated new title. Gerstmann's review of Twilight Princess cemented his reputation as a criminal renegade with no law but his own, even though he gave the game an 8.9 - a nine, essentially - out of ten.

I will tell you the Gerstmann Story as we heard it. Management claimed to have spoken to Jeff about his "tone" before, and no doubt it was this tone that created tensions between their editorial content, the direction of the site, and the carefully crafted relationships that allowed Gamespot to act as an engine of revenue creation. After Gerstmann's savage flogging of Kane & Lynch, a game whose marketing investment on Gamespot alone reached into the hundreds of thousands, Eidos (we are told) pulled hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of future advertising from the site.

Management has another story, of course: management always has another story. But it's the firm belief internally that Jeff was sacrificed. And it had to be Jeff, at least, we believe, precisely because of his stature and longevity. It made for a dramatic public execution that left the editorial staff in disarray. Would that it were only about the 6.0 - at least then you'd know how to score something if you wanted to keep your Goddamned job. No, this was worse: the more nebulous "tone" would be the guide. I assume it was designed to terrify them.

For Gabriel, this tale proves out his darkest suspicions. People believe things like this anyway, but they don't know it, and the shift from intuitive to objective knowledge is startling. I think it rarely gets to this point. The apparatus is very tight: there are layers of editorial control that can massage the score, even when the text tells a different tale. A more junior reviewer might have seen their Kane & Lynch review streamlined by this process, divested of its worrisome angles and overall troubling shape. It was Jeff Gerstmann's role high in the site's infrastructure that allowed his raw editorial content to pierce the core of the business.

(CW)TB out."PennyArcade...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

1UP gives words to our affliction with their MOST HATED things in Games!

Check it out. This article gives voice to just about every gamers pain. I can't wait to see if they continue with this. I have mentioned many of these things in reviews and it's nice to see that I'm not alone. Thanks 1Up...

Deus Ex 3 Debut Trailer

Some People don't like video games. Like Roger Ebert...

"The movie, directed by Xavier Gens, was inspired by a best-selling video game and serves as an excellent illustration of my conviction that video games will never become an art form -- never, at least, until they morph into something else or more."Roger Ebert...

This is from a recent movie review of Hitman: the movie. So how does this have anything to do with the video game? Except that they bear the same name sake. The main thrust of the game is to stealthily kill people. This wouldn't make the greatest movie, I would imagine. But is it the game's fault that the director of the movie couldn't come up with a more creative solution than what he did. Or even better, is it the game's fault that they made a second class movie about it? No...
Let's see, so is the fact that this movie is taken from a video game a reason to think it's any more shallow than Bad Boys 2 or some other popcorn summer blockbuster.
So Roger Ebert, I know that you know movies. But Roger, you know less about video games than I know about movies. Because man, I've seen A LOT of movies. How many video games have you played? Solitaire doesn't count....
-Point made...

Monday, November 26, 2007

No Multiplayer Achievements for COD4, you'll NEVER believe the reason!

"Multiplayer: Why are there no online Achievements for “Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare” (or “Call of Duty 2″ for that matter)? Wouldn’t you want to encourage people to try to play all the different online multiplayer modes?

Bowling: Our motivation behind multiplayer is to encourage people to play all the different multiplayer modes, which is why we make every single mode in multiplayer fun. Play a fun game type — you’re going to tell a friend, and then he’s going to get his friend to play it. Now that’s how you get people to try out different aspects in your game, just make it appealing and fully enjoyable. For players hungry for unlockables and rewards in multiplayer, we have more personal goals called Challenges, which encourage you to use a variety of weapons and score you more XP and challenge-specific rewards. For example, use the M4 Carbine a lot and unlock more accessories for the M4 Carbine."Multiplayer blog.

OK, so wouldn't having online achievements make people MORE likely to play different multiplayer modes? I guess, I just don't get it... Do you?

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Get Trigger Happy for FREE?

Yeah, that's right get Steven Poole's book Trigger Happy for free. Head over to the site and download it. You can drop him a donation if you like it. You can drop me one too, if you like it. Just kidding....

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Will Casual Games kill the Hardcore Market?

People on various websites and on message boards have been screaming all most since the Nintendo Wii came out about how it will be the end of gaming as we know it. They have also been worried about the industry as a whole moving toward only casual games and ignoring the smaller hardcore market.

What is hardcore? What is casual? What is everyone talking about?
Easy... Some comparisons have been made like,
"There are no hardcore readers or movie goers? How can there be for gaming?" Well this isn't true. "Hardcore readers," are people who like classics rather than those who read Danielle Steel novels. "Hardcore moviegoers," are people who only go to foreign films and prefer four star flicks rather than Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.
Does the Hardcore movie market or literature markets hurt the causal ones? They don't even make a dent. The casual markets rule; they make all the money and they drive all the sales. The industry revolves around them.

In gaming, hardcore gaming is basically people who love to play games that are complex and require a certain degree of dedication. This would be something like Final Fantasy XII or perhaps Team Fortress 2. But it could also extend to games like World of Warcraft or Halo. Casual games are basically pick up and play. They don't need instructions and tend to be based on simple principals. Casual games are usually seen as games like Tetris, Pac-Man, Zuma, Wii Sports, Rayman Raving Rabids, or even Pokemon.

There are certainly games like Guitar Hero that span both areas/ Bit this is really a case of involvement in a hardcore game rather than making a hardcore game appear casual. I mean a lot of people have played 3 or 4 hours of Halo or Guitar Hero in a month. But if that same 3 or 4 hours were in a day rather than a month then that would qualify more on the hardcore scale. But this really only involves games that allow the player to play in smaller pieces rather than requiring them to play for longer stretches to get proficient at some part of the game to progress.

So there you go... No need to have a debate over that little matter. If your unsure of the veracity of my claims take a look at the majority of the Nintendo catalog and the majority of the XBOX 360 and compare. You'll see the differences pretty readily.

Now, to the point. Will casual gaming hurt the hardcore gaming market? Only if developers and publishers allow it to. If developers and publishers feel it is necessary to simplify their games to match some mythical casual average. Everyone above and below that average will suffer.

As things stand now, the hardcore market is actually driving the video game market; helped by the casual market. This includes things like the Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS sales. Also, games like Guitar Hero 3 and Rock Band contribute to the huge return on video game sales. In October, video game sales rocked a 1.1 Billion dollar total and this is an astonishing number. Certainly nothing bad can come from numbers like this.

Possibly in the short run things will remain just about the same and even Nintendo admits that the Wii is far from future proof. In a year or two there will probably be a new version of the Wii that is more powerful and more compatible with what developers and publishers are looking for in hardcore gaming.

Doing this will ultimately make the Nintendo Wii and possibly the DS perfect gaming systems. However, there are some questions as to whether Nintendo itself understands what hardcore means. But we will leave that for the future to decide. In short, it will not be Nintendo who brings down hardcore gaming. Rather it was the flag bearer for trying to make causal gaming more interesting to the average person. In the long run, it will be the gamers who decide what is and what is not acceptable.

Video games are one of the most volatile markets out there. There are SO MANY factors that dictate what makes money and what doesn't. Gamers old or young are a fickle bunch. This year has been a historic year for excellent video games and so far an excellent year for video game sales. What happens next year may be very different. But that, will be decided in time.

Fatal Inertia delayed for PS3? Cool!

"Oh, Fatal Inertia. Once announced as a PlayStation 3 exclusive launch title by Koei, the Unreal Engine 3-powered racer eventually went multi-platform and released on Xbox 360 first, while the company struggled to get the PS3 version up to speed. The recent completion of Unreal Tournament III on PS3 means studios should have an easier time developing on Sony's hardware with Epic Games' engine, but that doesn't help the dozens and dozens of companies who have been attempting to make it work now.

Koei recently issues an updated release schedule to the media, with Fatal Inertia conspicuously absent from the list. When asked, the publisher said there was no formal release date for the futuristic racer, but they expected the PS3 version to arrive sometime in Spring 2008. There's no word on if the PS3 version will include additional content, but given the delays have been technical issues, we wouldn't rule it out.

You can get a taste of the game right now, however, by logging into Xbox Live and downloading the demo."1UP...

OK folks, I'm not being a party poop here. I just want everyone to realize that Fatal Inertia for the XBOX 360 was all most DOA. The game is just really in need of some major tweaking and maybe even some control changes. The longer the developers have with the game, the better. I hope the game comes out next summer completely overhauled and 180 degrees better.

Rise of the Videogame began last night. But it should have been called the Rise of Lazy Documentary Writers!

    Premiere: Wednesday, Nov. 21, at 8 p.m. ET/PT
    In the 1950s, the Cold War quickly evolved between the world superpowers of the United States and the Soviet Union. Mutually assured destruction enforced an uneasy stalemate, yet also drove computer technology to create missile simulations to predict the results of a nuclear war. This same computer technology was used to develop the first computer game in 1958 — Tennis for Two. The Space Race and the Vietnam war coincided with Steve Russell's game Space War! and the emergence of the first true giants in the video game business — Nolan Bushnell and Atari. In post-World War II Japan, electronics and computer technology emerged to rebuild a land and economy devastated by the atomic bomb. Space Invaders and Pac-Man soon followed, and the golden age of video games was born. Among others, individuals featured in this episode include Steve Russell, Nolan Bushnell, Ralph Baer (considered by many to be the inventor of the video game) and Toru Iwatani (Pac-Man designer). Video games emerged as a form of entertainment where the player was in control, as opposed to the more passive diversion of watching television."Discovery channel....
I'm really starting to wonder if the old adage about the video game industry being really small isn't more true than I could have imagined. This show is a great example. Everyone of these shows starts the same way and with the same people.
Here's some examples:
Nolan Bushnell (Check)
Ralph Baer (Check)
Peer Schneider from IGN (Check)
Heather Chaplin from Smartbomb (Check)
Aaron Ruby from Smartbomb (Check)
N'Gai Croal from Newsweek (Check)
Henry Jenkins from MIT (Check)
Tommy Tallarico (Check)

So what am I saying here? Well, it just seems crazy that in an industry where there are hundreds of people creating, writing, and marketing video games that these guys are all ways the ones that the writers or directors of these shows turn to. And who exactly is Stuart Moulder? I know I could just Google him but saying in his byline that he is a video game consultant is a little bit of a cop out isn't it?
Also why are all shows about video games made by the mass media are all ways about either the history of them or the controversy surrounding them?
Now, let me just say a couple of things about the show itself. How in the name of god do you get to equate video game history with global political history? It's like trying to compare the evolution of the potato chip with the history of Ireland. You can do it, but is anyone going to believe it?
Other than this theoretical flight of fancy. The rest of the show is basically a rip off of the old Game Makers shows on G4. These shows have albeit been abandoned because of different buyouts and marketing problems that they rarely air. But if they aired next to this show, the folks at Rise of the Videogame would be accused plagiarism. Oh and by the way, each one of those Game Makers shows which was formerly called Icons was a 1/2 hour This show that covers all most 5 or 6 of those shows in only an hour.
I think as big as this series supposedly is, they could have done without cutting corners and perhaps found some NEW information or gone more in-depth than those old ICONS or Gamemakers shows did. But, I guess that was too much work. Perhaps for Ken Burns next show, he'll call it, "Video Games!"
Oh, following their geopolitical scheme; what political statement does Tetris make about the world in which it was made?
Saying that games are Art and Culture is fine. But don't try and wrap some political or subconscious trappings on to Pac-Man, Pong, or Tetris.
Next up Nintendo and Donkey Kong.... I can't wait...

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Holy Release Dates! Unreal Tournament 3 due out in December!

"My guess is that Midway will start shipping the title to North American retailers on Monday, December 10th," said Rein. "It could show up in stores as early as December 11th but more likely toward the middle of that week."Gamespot

This is amazing news! This game really had a snowballs chance and now for it to arrive on the estimated date that was given by retailers is wonderful... Prepare to frag this Christmas, an awesome first person shooter on PS3. Good to see yet another good game for the PS3 coming in 2007. Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted Drakes Fortune, and Call of Duty 4. Not much, but good enough....

Check out this HDCGAMER Podcast for Thanksgiving! Episode 5!

Head over and listen to our Turkey Day podcast. The podcast has a review of Super Mario Galaxy and some news stuff. Look for Newsstand feature next week as I didn't get all the magazines in time for this podcast. This one is short and sweet so enjoy.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007

Gametrailer's Review of Mass Effect

Bring me the Head of Mario!

Before you read this you might want to head over and read Mario is unmarketable by Aaron Linde. It's an awesome article and gave me the inspiration to write this one. The idea of mascots these days is getting more and more pathetic. The emergence of recent titles like Sonic the Hedgehog on the XBOX 360 and PS3 just proved how over the era of franchise mascots selling games really is. The problem is when you look at a game like Super Mario Galaxy and realize that Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of Mario. Has some serious game designing chops and yet again he has turned the platforming industry on it's ear and made developers look again at the little plumber for ways to improve their own games.

Sadly though, Super Mario Galaxy has no real requirement of said plumber at all. The game could easily have worked using Luigi or even a new made up character. One reviewer said that it being Mario made the game better. I disagree. I think it just makes the game more pat. Making it Mario, made people instantly compare it to all the other Mario games. Which is exactly what happens with all of Nintendo's franchise mascot games.

How many years have there been Sonic, Mario, and Zelda games. Zelda of course, being the worst example of a worn out mascot. Because not only does Link do the same story types over and over we aren't even introduced to brand new franchise characters in these reruns. Once I would like to see a true sequel for Link where he starts with all his weapons or even better where Link has completely different weapons. Like an uzi... Just kidding...

Critics have said that this industry is moving away from sequels and going more towards remakes of old games so that these classics can be brought into a new era. Why not? After all, Nintendo has been doing it for years with their franchises. Few Nintendo franchises get new games that are wholly and completely different. How many times have we played the original Legend of Zelda or the Super Mario Bros?
There certainly seems to be an audience for these games. But it has all ways been about the characters. "Oh I love Zelda and Mario." A Nintendo Fan might exclaim upon hearing of a new title coming out featuring one or the other. Yes, the impact of these characters has been historically very important to selling games. The problem is that recycling old titles into new ones, isn't the same thing as making sequels. Sequels try to be better than the originals. Remakes are the originals, just with better graphics...

These days however, with the ever decreasing list of franchise characters and the people who loved them growing up. It's hard to imagine a new Mario or Zelda game making an impact on a whatever console follows the Wii. Certainly on the Wii, any quality titles will be latched on to whether they feature a franchise character or not. As all the games on the Wii are aimed widely at a younger audience or a much broader audience than those games that have come out recently. Everything seems to work with varying degrees of success. But the future can be a hard master or please. Just look at Lara Croft...

In a time not too long ago. A pixelated busty version of Indiana Jones could do no wrong. She explored every kind of tomb imaginable over four different games and even a movie or two. Yes, this was the most powerful franchise in video game history. She epitomized everything the modern game industry wanted to be seen as. Cutting edge, sexy, and action oriented. But it didn't last very long... By the time the PS2 reached customers in 2001 most people were more than a little over Tomb Raider.

Even with new editions like Tomb Raider Legend, last year. And Tomb Raider Anniversary Edition this year; the big draw of Lara Croft seems to have worn off. Which is too bad considering Legend was arguably the best Tomb Raider game ever. Angeline Jolie probably doesn't want to hear this as shooting begins on the next Tomb Raider movie in around 3-6 months. But it's true...

The world of iconic characters is beginning to dry up like a shallow river bed. I have to apologize to Marcus Fenix and Master Chief. Sorry, guys by 2010 nobody will even remember your names. As hard as developers are trying to bring their characters to the fore and sell them like it was 1999. It's just not working in most cases.

With titles like Mario and Sonic at the Olympics most gamers just shake their heads and ask, "Why?" But Nintendo takes the popularity of games like Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Brothers Brawl as signs that they can still use their characters to financial advantage. But is Mario selling Galaxy? Or is it super hype that has been going on for all most a year with the following statements in it: best graphics on the Wii, gameplay like that from Super Mario 64 but with a new twist, and plenty of journalists giving this game scores so high that it makes the rest of the Nintendo Wii's titles look like bargain bin crap.

No, I think that if this was Super Luigi Galaxy it would be selling just as well. I think that with the kind of buzz that this game has generated it really doesn't matter who the main character is. I have to say here that this is probably the best Mario game I've ever played and certainly the best platformer.

Having said that however, Insomniac's Ratchet and Clank Future Tools of Destruction also came out this year. The game is like a Pixar movie on crack and is probably the most fun I've ever had with the series. Was it Ratchet and Clank with their world and cast of characters that made this game great? Not really, it was the incredible commitment on the part of the best Sony developer out there to make a quality title. If Mr. Miyamoto could be allowed to make something else, perhaps everyone would see that the same holds true for Nintendo. But Japanese development being what it is, it's hard to imagine that ever happening.

So is this some sort of prophetic report on the new trend in the video game industry? Certainly not, it is more to show that these mascots are silly and that the video game industry is holding to them not to keep quality up or have iconic characters. It's rather to try and insure some kind of revenue stream. If the games are really as good as they hope they are; then they don't need their mascot crutch. And if they aren't, well then a hollow, "It'ssss a me... Mario!" Won't sell you too many more copies anyway. With the ever increasing price of creating games these kinds of tactics seem to be the fall back for publishers and developers in need of revenue. But just like reality programming on television, crap only plays so long until the publics starts to react. Unfortunately with video games, it takes a LONG TIME to change direction, so you folks might want to start doing that now. Before it's too late...

Oh by the way. Just so that none of you hardcore XBOX fans out there won't feel like your sacred cow is safe. Judging by the way the story ended and the fact that Bungie separated itself from Microsoft. Master Chief is next on the chopping block. The fight's finished, the mascots lost. Someone please tell the developers...

Uncharted Drake's Fortune Gametrailers Review

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Friday, November 16, 2007

Just to prove how poor everyone will be by January! NPD numbers!

"Top 10 best-selling games of October 2007, according to NPD Group

Halo 3 (regular, collector's, and legendary versions)--Xbox 360--434,000
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (with guitar)--Xbox 360--383,000
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (with guitar)--Wii--286,000
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (with guitar)--PS2--271,000
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass--DS--263,000
Wii Play with Wii Remote--Wii--240,000
The Orange Box--Xbox 360--238,000
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock--PS2--232,000
FIFA Soccer 08--PS2--130,000
Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day--DS--117,000

October 2007 hardware sales, according to NPD Group

Nintendo DS--458,000
Xbox 360--366,000

This was a crazy month with 1.1 Billion in sales! So is there any money left out there for the rest of the year. I'm sure, but by the time this is all over I don't think there will be many pennies in our coffers.

Rumor Killed so fast we hardly knew it: Resident Evil Extinction has no demos on the Blu Ray

"Some errant reporting this morning led a few sites—including Sony's own semi-official blog ThreeSpeech—to believe that the Blu-ray disc movie release of Resident Evil: Extinction would ship with playable demos of Devil May Cry 4 and Resident Evil 5 for the PlayStation 3. Sorry, but that's just not true, as Capcom has confirmed.

Users will have to make do with high definition trailers for both games and crystal clear 1080p stills of Milla Jovovich in thigh-revealing outfit."Kotaku...

Actually, the rumor was carried on all most every site. I think even Kotaku.. Hehe! Anyway, I we will just have to be happy with the movie. Unfortunately, the whole thing was kind of destined for falsehood from the beginning. Devil May Cry 4 might be done enough for a demo eventually but Resident Evil 5? That is circa holiday 2008. Silly rumormongers!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

HDCGAMER Episode 4: The one about Call of Duty 4

In this episode we talk news and do a review for Call of Duty 4. Click on the episode link to listen to or subscribe to the podcast.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sexy VideogameLand Blog, now this is what I'm Talkin About!

I don't normally trumpet other blogs but after reading a bunch of the recent posts over at Sexy Videogameland. I had to give props where props are due! Leigh Alexander is an AWESOME freelancer who really has skills when it comes to talking about video games.

Child Neglect grows into a Lawsuit aimed at XBOX LIVE fees!

"InformationWeek reports that a Georgia resident is suing Microsoft for consumer fraud because he claims his underage son used his debit card to subscribe to Xbox Live and automatically renewed the subscription without authorization.

In a class action suit, Georgia resident Francisco Garcia claims that in October 1995 his son, Silvario, used his debit card to buy a $49.99, one-year subscription to Xbox Live. The service lets Xbox owners play games like Halo 3 against each other over the Internet.

A year later, Garcia claims, Microsoft automatically billed him for an additional year of Xbox Live without his knowledge or consent. He contends that the charge sent his checking account into overdraft, and that his bank slapped him with a $35.00 penalty.

By accepting a subscription from a minor and automatically renewing it without consent, Microsoft "fraudulently induced a contractual relationship for Xbox Live services," Garcia claims in his suit.
First and foremost there was no XBOX or XBOX Live in 1995? So I think they probably meant 2005? Looks like a typo to me. But let's assume it's true... So it's Microsoft's fault this father can't keep track of his debit card? And it's Microsoft's fault that the father is TOO STUPID to cancel his kids XBOX LIVE account after the first time it happened? Perhaps Family services should get involved and find this kid a parent who isn't as irresponsible and stupid as his kid.

Need for Speed Pro Street not even on store shelves and there is all ready DLC on XBLM?

There are three or four car packs. Each cost 500 points. This seems really strange considering the game doesn't even hit store shelves until the 15th. Even Gamestop shows this as the ship date. To say this is a little early is an understatement. Also it is unclear if these packs are unlocks from the game like in Need for Speed Carbon or if they are additional cars added to the game through DLC. Problem with either thing is that if they were ready to ship DLC before the game even comes out, then why isn't it in the game? Heaven forbid they are unlocks, because that would mean that just like in Need for Speed Carbon you are paying to make progress. Which isn't playing a game, it's paying to cheat.

Holy High Score, Batman! Gamespot gives Assassin's Creed a 9.0!

Gamespot is one of hardest sites on video games. With the exception of 1UP there really isn't another site or publication that tears up a game like Gamespot. Well here is their review of Assassin's Creed, a 9.0/10. Considering how the game is struggling to get more than an 8 from some places and above a 7 at others; this is incredible. If and when the video review goes up, you'll be able to see it here.
Can't wait to play this game. Unfortunately my order has been delayed. Probably won't see it now til next week. Unless I get Mass Effect first, then everything else will suffer :).

The Answer to the Question that Phase from Harmonix begs!

"“It would be technically feasible but there’s something special about having a person involved,” Crooker said. “The people we hire are musicians themselves. When they open up a guitar track [to program it into the game], they can really make good music.”"Multiplayer Blog....

This in answer to the question that couldn't the technology of Phase be implemented in a Rock Band 2. This being that the consumer can use their own music library to play the game rather than pre-made tracks. OK... But the fact that the technology exists would make an awesome game and probably destroy the downloadable business model that both Guitar Hero and Rock Band have subscribed to. The money train would come to an abrupt end. I wouldn't expect to see anything like Phase coming to a console anytime soon. At least not from Harmonix or Redoctane. Because endless DLC money is far better than making consumer VERY HAPPY!

XBOX 360 will download old XBOX games from XBLM in Fall Update! OK...

"Microsoft Bringing 'Xbox Originals' to 360
Halo, Psychonauts, Fable and more available in December.
By Steve Watts, 11/13/2007
Nintendo has their Virtual Console that goes back five generations of company history; Sony reaches back two generations with their PlayStation Network downloads offering PS1 games. As the newest entrant in the console race, what does Microsoft have?

Starting December 4, the 360 will host "Xbox Originals," the name given to original Xbox game downloads for the 360. Teased in the press release are Halo, Psychonauts, Crimson Skies and Fable, so those titles are likely to be in the first wave of releases. The games will cost 1200 Microsoft Points, or about $15 USD. There's no word yet on how frequently the catalog will be updated, or if the downloads will offer any new feature enhancements like upscaling or Achievement Points.

The new download service is set to launch alongside the Fall firmware update just after the Xbox Live service turns five years old. As part of the celebration, users will be able to download a free XBLA game November 15 and 16. Further, any active member who joined up in 2002 will get 500 free Microsoft Points."1UP...

OK, why is this a big deal? I can easily get all those games except for Psychonauts for less than $15 from my local Gamestop and let's not even get into Ebay.
I want to see Panzer Dragoon Orta and Oddworld Stranger backwards compatible rather than this stuff that is all ready BC.
I don't fault Microsoft for trying something new and getting paid for it. But they really could have made these games less expensive. Like 800 points. After all, this isn't an XBLA that isn't available anywhere else.
I would like to congratulate Microsoft for their bringing such a great service to consumers for 5 years and into the future. I can't remember if I was a member in 2002, but I hope so. I could use the 500 points. Now that the service is five years old and there are plenty of revenue streams accessible to Microsoft. Like themes and gamer pics. You think that they could finally make the service free, right?
Back in 2002 there was a reason it was a pay service. All that R&D costs money and all that equipment and so on. I understand... But there aren't dedicated servers, there are MANY pieces of content on the service that didn't cost more than a penny or two to make and are at least a $1 for a customer to buy. If one million people download the $1 piece that's how much? Listen, I understand this whole thing is expensive and Microsoft does have the premier online service out there. But guys haven't we been paying, in various ways, for long enough?
Happy 5th Birthday XBOX LIVE!

Mythos:Take your cigar smoking gremlin on the adventure of a lifetime. No really!

Timeshift goes all Multiplayer in new Demo on XBLM

Want to play Timeshift multiplayer for free? Well head over to XBLM and download this puppy. It will hit your hard drive for around 900 MB but as you probably all ready know, there was a reason they made that 120 GB hard drive.
I'm still downloading but should have impressions by podcast time. So check that out...

Hear it Here first! VF 5 gets DLC on the XBOX360

Hey folks,
Head over to XBLM if you have Virtua Fighter 5 and download the new item pack with 3 new items per character. This will set you back 300 microsoft points. I know this might sound a little steep. But look at it this way. There aren't any new items being added to the PS3 version, are there?
I have to hand it to Sega for supporting what is so far the best version of VF5. My review on this title is coming, but let's just say that if you are a fighting fan, this is the definitive version of Virtua Fighter.

IGN's Video Review of Assassin's Creed

Is there a Crysis in PC Gaming?

Minimum System Requirements

OS Windows XP or Windows Vista
Processor 2.8 GHz or faster (XP); 3.2 GHz or faster (Vista)
Memory 1.0 GB RAM or 1.5 GB RAM (Vista)
Video Card 256 MB
Hard Drive 12 GB
Sound Card DirectX 9.0c compatible

Recommended System Requirements

OS Windows XP / Vista
Processor Intel Core 2 DUO @ 2.2GHz
Memory 2.0 GB RAM
GPU NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS/640 Recommended System Requirements
OS Windows XP / Vista
Processor Intel Core 2 DUO @ 2.2GHz
Memory 2.0 GB RAM
GPU NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS/640 or similar

This year has been an interesting one for PC gamers. Most PC owners who love to play video games don't upgrade their systems very often. Mainly because this process is expensive and many people feel that just buying a new system is cheaper than upgrading. Especially when new video cards can cost as much as a new low grade system.

This year and part of last year have been previews of what is to come in the PC gaming industry. The fact that the consumer can spend as much as $5,000 on a new system and still not be future proofed if they make the wrong decision about what components to add to their system.

Most players have a single or dual core system. With a midrange graphics card and probably around 1 GB of RAM. This is probably the average. Some people have much more and some have much less. But in the end the percentage of high end systems is pretty small.

Gamers have been slow to upgrade in most cases. But developers like Crytek and Gas Powered Games have kind of ignored this. Supreme Commander sold well the first week but now can be found for as little as $19.99. Because few PCs can handle the game at the highest specifications and it's an RTS. Now the game is coming to the XBOX 360, where I'm sure it won't look as good but probably will sell a lot better.
Crysis has been getting good reviews. The sheer lack of people with a enough power to run the game on a level that will make it worthwhile for the average person to purchase the game will likely slow sales. Is this something that reviewers should take into account? After all, most reviewers have stated that they had a hard time finding a computer that would run the game.

With Unreal Tournament 3 coming out in less than a week with an adaptive engine that allows MANY specs of PC to run it. It will be hard to see Crysis doing very well. Certainly the competitive multiplayer market is full of people with high end PCs. But Crysis has no team deathmatch, so it appears that isn't the market they are aiming to serve. Which is strange because they are probably the best equipped to run the game.

Certainly with all the innovation in PC gaming over the past year to three years the game industry has greatly moved forward. With the advent of DX 10 technology, there have been plenty of advances and innovations in game design. But what price comes all this power?

The sales of power hog titles is all ways significantly lower than the sales of midrange spec requiring titles. For instance, Hellgate London has the capability of implementing DX10 textures and technology but it can also be run on a single core system with a midrange video card and still look good. This is the kind of game that developers need to invest in. They might not have super sexy screens and movies to show but their games will actually make money. Considering the long development process of a game like Crysis the pay off for the game needs to come close to the outlay of the title or they won't make any money and there certainly won't be a Crysis 2.

In the last couple of years I have taken a real shine to PC gaming. But my PC will never run Crysis and by the time I get a PC that will run it. There will be much more exciting title to play. Because for all of the hype of Crysis; it is basically FAR CRY with aliens. I don't discount the open world or the great A.I. but it is just a FPS. It also seems that the story is rather simplistic. As fun as the game is for the first few hours, it appears that there are probably only so many ways you can kill someone. Just as in real life...

I would give Crysis high marks for innovation but low marks for marketability. Since it has all ready taken 4 years to make Crysis; I think they could have waited a year or two more so that the average gamer has a PC that can play their game.

Gametrailer's Need for for Speed Prostreet Video Review

Gametrailer's Assassin's Creed Video Review

Monday, November 12, 2007

A little less Kotaku a little more Escapist!

Hey intrepid reader how's it going?
On this end... Not so much... In the past weeks and months on this blog; content has shifted to a much more news related format and has veered away from the more intellectually based content that deals more with the culture of video games. This revelation was shone brightly to this author when he was reading through his newsreader after a busy day of work. I know that people love sites like Kotaku and Joystiq. But this blog and it's originator, the HDCGAMER BLOG. Were not created to be news outlets. Rather they were created to discuss the culture of video games and those who play them. Not just news. While news is important it comes in waves and some news is just not worth printing.
What you'll be seeing here in the future is a mix of news and cultural editorials. I know that some people have grown used to this rapid fire content of the past three or four months. But this will not be completely abandoned only scaled back to allow for more thoughtful articles.
But in the interest of fairness, if there is anyone out there who is burning to get their name and stuff on this site and wishes to do the news 7 days a week; I welcome them to email me at This will not be a paid position as I wasn't getting paid for it. So bear that in mind.
Thank You for your support and hopefully you will enjoy what is to come.

Timothy "HDCGAMER" Pecoraro

Rumor Control!

OK folks...
All of the rumors regarding a Cancellation of a title by Microsoft have been denied by all parties involved and currently there is no announced canceled project. The rumor was teased by Shane B. over at 1UP but so far this has held no water. Perhaps time will tell, but so far no Microsoft first parties are willing to confirm any cancellation. So keep supposing...

Friday, November 9, 2007

Command and Conquer Command School Episode 2

Uncharted Drakes Forutne Demo crashes on to PSN!

If you had any illusions about Drake's Fortune being the next Tomb Raider your going to have a big surprise when you play the demo now on PSN Store. The game is equal parts action game shooter and platformer. The game isn't especially difficult as long as you keep one thing in mind. Enemies take three shots to the body before going down and headshots are not impossible but not easy to get.
The jumping and very light puzzle solving are much easier than Tomb Raider. Personally. I'm not much for the every man style. I like the whole hot babes with guns thing a lot better. Yeah, I'm a guy, sue me.
This looks to be the third game this year to really make the PS3 shine. There are certainly plenty of flat textures in this game but who knows the final retail will probably be more polished.
The gameplay is good and with a little more polishing the game would be even better. I really can't wait to see the final product. Great job Naughty Dog, to think I all ways hated Jak and Daxter.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Rock Band DLC first Wave Revealed!

Head over to XBOX 360 Fanboy for the article. The question here is why are there so many multi-packs when supposedly the game was supposed to be like Itunes and you could pick and choose the songs you want. Also isn't this whole prepackaged thing the whole problem with Guitar Hero that everyone has been complaining about?

IGN reveals Mass Effect Achievements!

Medal of Honor Complete 1 Mass Effect Playthrough on any setting. 100
Medal of FerosComplete Feros. 25
Distinguished Service MedalComplete Eden Prime. 25
Council Legion of MeritComplete Virmire. 25
Honorarium of Corporate ServiceComplete Noveria. 25
Long Service MedalComplete 2 Mass Effect Playthroughs on any setting. 25
Distinguished Combat MedalComplete 1 Mass Effect playthrough on the Hardcore difficulty setting. Do not change the setting. 25
Medal of ValorComplete 1 Mass Effect playthrough on the Insanity difficulty setting. Do not change the setting. 50
Pistol ExpertRegister 150 Pistol Kills. 10
Shotgun ExpertRegister 150 Shotgun Kills. 15
Assault Rifle ExpertRegister 150 Assault Rifle Kills. 15
Sniper ExpertRegister 150 Sniper Rifle Kills. 15
Lift MasteryUse biotic Lift 75 times 15
Throw MasteryUse biotic Throw 75 times 15
Warp MasteryUse biotic Warp 75 times 15
Singularity MasteryUse biotic Singularity 75 times 15
Barrier MasteryUse biotic Barrier 75 times 15
Stasis MasteryUse biotic Stasis 75 times 15
Damping SpecialistUse Damping Field 75 times 15
AI Hacking SpecialistUse AI Hacking 75 times 15
Overload SpecialistUse Shield Overload 75 times 15
Sabotage Specialist Use Sabotage 75 times 15
First Aid SpecialistUse medi-gel 150 times 15
Neural Shock SpecialistUse Neural Shock 75 times 15
ScholarFinda all primary Alien: Council Races, Extinct Races and Non-Council Races codex entries 25
CompletionistComplete the majority of the game. 25
TacticianComplete playthrough with shield damage greater than health damage. 25
Medal of ExplorationLand on an uncharted world. 50
RichExceed 1,000,000 Credits. 25
Dog of WarRegister 150 organic enemy kills. 25
Geth HunterRegister 250 synthetic enemy kills. 25
Soldier AllyComplete the majority of the game with the Alliance soldier squad member. 20
Sentinel AllyComplete the majority of the game with the Alliance sentinel squad member. 20
Krogan AllyComplete the majority of the game with the krogan squad member. 20
Turian AllyComplete the majority of the game with the turian squad member. 20
Quarian AllyComplete the majority of the game with the quarian squad member. 20
Asari AllyComplete the majority of the game with the Asari squad member. 20
Power GamerReach 50th level with one character. 20
Extreme Power GamerReach 60th level with one character. 50
RenegadeAccumulate 75% of total Renegade points. 15
ParagonAccumulate 75% of total Paragon points. 15
ParamourComplete any romance subplot. 10
Spectre InducteeBecome a Spectre.15
CharismaticUse Charm or Intimidate to resolve an impossible situation. 10
Search and RescueLocate Dr. T'soni in the Artemis Tau cluster. 10

Looks like lots of work. Can't wait to get started!

Sony's Holiday Lineup, Thanks Gamespot!

"PlayStation 3

The Eye of Judgment
Heavenly Sword
NBA 08
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
Uncharted: Drakes Fortune

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Activision
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, Activision
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground, Activision
Jericho, Codemasters
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, Eidos
Medal of Honor Airborne, EA
Rock Band, EA
The Orange Box, EA
The Simpsons Game, EA
Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War, Koei
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga, Lucas Arts
BlackSite: Area 51, Midway
John Woo Presents Stranglehold Collector's Edition, Midway
Unreal Tournament 3, Midway
Time Crisis 4, Namco Bandai
Sega Rally Revo, Sega
College Hoops 2K8, Take 2 Interactive
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008, THQ
Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights, THQ
MX vs. ATV Untamed, THQ
Assassin's Creed, Ubisoft
Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII, Ubisoft
Haze, Ubisoft
TimeShift, Vivendi
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion-Game of the Year Edition, Zenimax

PlayStation Network
High Velocity Bowling
Everyday Shooter
Go! Sports Ski
Go! Sports Skydiving
Mesmerize 1
Trials of Topoq
Toy Home
Twisted Metal 2 (PS One)
Operation Creature Feature
PixelJunk Monsters
MotorStorm Christmas Livery
MotorStorm Premium Pack 2
Resistance: Fall of Man: Map Pack 2
flOw Download Pack
MotorStorm Vehicle and Livery Pack
Folklore Download Packs 1 and 2

PlayStation Portable:
Jeanne d'Arc
NBA '08
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Tactical Strike
Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow

Spider-Man 3, Activision
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground, Activision
Atari Classics Evolved, Atari
Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law, Capcom
Ben 10: Protector of Earth, D3
The Sims 2 Castaway, EA
The Simpsons Game, EA
Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles, Konami
Silent Hill Origins, Konami
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus, Konami
Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron, Lucas Arts
Sonic Rivals 2, Sega
The Golden Compass, Sega
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions, Square Enix
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008, THQ
MX vs. ATV Untamed, THQ
Beowulf, Ubisoft
SWAT: Target Liberty, Vivendi
Aliens vs. Predator Requiem, Vivendi

PlayStation 2:
Buzz! The Mega Quiz
Buzz! Junior: Jungle Party
Hot Shots Tennis
NBA '08
SingStar: Amped
SingStar : 80's
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror

Cabela's Monster Bass, Activision
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, Activision
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground, Activision
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3, Atari
High School Musical: Sing It, Disney
Need for Speed ProStreet, EA
Rock Band, EA
Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Zombie Ninja Pro-Am, Midway
.hack//G.U. Vol. 3: Redemption, Namco Bandai
PopCap Hits! Vol 1, PopCap
Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus, Sega
Fatal Fury Battle Archives Volume 2, SNK
Final Fantasy XI: Wings of the Goddess, Square-Enix
College Hoops 2K8, Take 2
Avatar: The Last Airbender -- The Burning Earth, THQ
SpongeBob's Atlantis SquarePants, THQ
MX vs. ATV Untamed, THQ
Crash of the Titans, Vivendi
The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night, Vivendi
Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal, Warner Bros."Gamespot

OK, now the title of the Gamespot article is dealing with Unreal Tournament 3 still coming out this year. Well, it probably will. The last quoted date was December 12th. I'll hold out hope until then. If the game isn't out by then, I'm guessing it will be early January. But I'm sure all the technical issues associated with putting UT3 online is probably the main crux of the delay if there is one. As thrilled as I would be to see UT3 come out this year. I think it would be better if Epic waited and made the game perfect so that they make the biggest impact they can when the game actually launches.

Guitar Hero 3 gets some DLC! Same Expensive Packs as GH 2

OK, now everybody who is mad about the fact that these song packs cost 500 points a piece. DO NOT BUY THEM! If no one buys the packs at the current price the price WILL GO DOWN. If you buy them, don't complain about the price; because you are part of the problem not the solution!

HDCGAMER Podcast Episode 3: Hellgate London Edition

Listen Here

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Little Big Halo Planet?

N’Gai Croal has a great column. He talks about the similarities between Halo 3's Forge and Little Big Planet. There are certainly quite a few that Mr. Croal explains. He certainly makes an interesting case. But I think the problem here is that Little Big Planet has no hook. There won't be $170 million worth of fans out there to pick up Little Big Planet day one. There aren't even enough PS3s to fill that number.
Besides that, the Little Big Planet's context is more platformer than FPS and this just isn't cool with the people who bought Halo 3. So if Sony is relying on the same folks who are using Forge to use Little Big Planet; it is pretty unlikely. I think the PS3 owners will probably be making maps and new games on their PCs for Unreal Tournament 3. That is where the real community and sharing will be.
But who knows... I'm sure the Japanese will be making lots of levels. I hope the game is international so that we can play levels from other countries because I don't think the American FPS community will be doing it.
I hope Mr.Croal has no illusions about this and I certainly hope that Sony doesn't either.

The Wii versus the Gamecube Discuss!

Next Generation has this interesting article.
The article discusses how Gamecube games would work well on the Wii and how the Gamecube didn't go far enough. This is certainly a fascinating read. But what it brings up is less the triumph for the Wii and more the redundancy of the philosophy of Nintendo itself. The company obviously needs to move on with their thinking. The idea that Nintendo's philosophy of changing the controls for consoles and how this concept alone seems to be the motivating force in Nintendo's games foreshadows the Wii and describes a real problem for the Gamecube's core design.
This seems to be why Nintendo seems happy to go against the ideas of Microsoft and Sony by trying not to make anything resembling a traditional system. Problem is that developers still have the need to make traditional games. Which means that the Wii will still be the shovelware system until Nintendo decides to limit development to games designed specifically for the Wii. The hope on this horizon is that games like Guitar Hero 3 are just as good on the Wii as on XBOX 360 or PS3.
Currently however, this is the exception not the rule. The real question seems to be that with the market evolving so quickly how will the Wii faire in a year or two when the games on other systems look worlds away and make the system look like Atari 2600.
This is wonderful news for Wii owners. But unless there is more quality than shovelware come this time next year; I don't think even millions of casual gamers will be able to save the Wii from the Gamecubes fate. Problem with history is that it repeats...

Gamestop Manager reveals policies? Is this news?

  • Cashiers will sometimes give a 10% "shopworn discount" for gutted games if you complain about it. Also, unopened gutted games can be returned just as new games.
  • Used games you don't like can be exchanged for others within seven days (just don't abuse the policy or it'll be taken away)
  • Pre-orders are fully refundable at any time (don't let a fearful employee tell you otherwise)
  • First-party accessories have more resale value (and are much more reliable than off-brand)
  • To get a Wii, ask when a store gets weekday shipments, call daily around that time, then hightail it over there before they're sold out again."Joystiq
That last one... Just go to Wal-Mart, Target, or Best Buy they have Wiis. These are not hidden rules. If you call more than one store someone should confirm this stuff for you. I used to work for Gamestop and there wasn't anything secret about this stuff. I know that Gamestop has gotten a bad rap. But if you hire a bunch of kids at low pay to work VERY directly with the public; there are bound to be some problems.
As a rule Gamestop is very cool and will do what they can to make you happy. I've had a lot of good experiences with Gamestop Online and would recommend anyone who doesn't want to buy from the big box retailers to head over there. It did tale them a rather long time to get my copy of Hellgate London and I could have easily just picked it up at the store. But the shipping was very cheap and this is not the way it usually works. Most times the shipping is fast and they tend to send games out early so people get them on day one or two that the game is available.
But please, if some fool at a Gamestop is giving you a hard time; just leave and go somewhere else or go to another Gamestop. With the holiday season approaching there will be lots of temporary people there and some will be good and some won't.
Lastly though, I have to ask. "Joystiq, why did you post this?"
But that's just me, what do you think?