"The movie, directed by Xavier Gens, was inspired by a best-selling video game and serves as an excellent illustration of my conviction that video games will never become an art form -- never, at least, until they morph into something else or more."Roger Ebert...
This is from a recent movie review of Hitman: the movie. So how does this have anything to do with the video game? Except that they bear the same name sake. The main thrust of the game is to stealthily kill people. This wouldn't make the greatest movie, I would imagine. But is it the game's fault that the director of the movie couldn't come up with a more creative solution than what he did. Or even better, is it the game's fault that they made a second class movie about it? No...
Let's see, so is the fact that this movie is taken from a video game a reason to think it's any more shallow than Bad Boys 2 or some other popcorn summer blockbuster.
So Roger Ebert, I know that you know movies. But Roger, you know less about video games than I know about movies. Because man, I've seen A LOT of movies. How many video games have you played? Solitaire doesn't count....
-Point made...
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