Yes, you knew it was coming. But really I stand by my choice. I made this one on Gamespot about a week before the VGAs so I feel more justified than anyone with picking Bioshock than anyone. The reason I picked Bioshock is pretty simple. The game tells an incredible story, has incredible gameplay, incredible graphics, and has bring philosophical elements to the fore of a video game for the first time. These are things not easily done all in the same title. Most titles do one or two of them. But to do them all, that is worthy of true praise.
#2 The Orange Box
This package with Half-Life 2, Episode 1, Episode 2, Portal, and Team Fortress 2. Pretty much blows away anything else. The games packed in this box are everything from a FPS to a puzzle game. Even with a few issues at launch with playing online. The game is still the best of the bunch and the best value anyone can get for $60. With downloadable content and even episode 3. There is little doubt that Valve will continue to make great advancements not only in innovation but in turning conventions into a kind of classical perfection.
#3 Halo 3
This title was so incredibly hyped by Microsoft that really there was no chance it wouldn't be a big hit. The game while innovative certainly doesn't support it's megalithic hype. But for it's industry changing Forge that allows the player to change the layout of maps and for it's film capturing feature this game earns a third place nod.
#4 Call of Duty 4
Call of Duty 4 brought Infinity Ward back to the stage of battle and again they dominated. With an incredible graphical feel and a unmistakable cinematic quality; the game is one of the best shooters out this year. The best part of Call of Duty 4 are the hundreds of options in their mulitplayer and the ranking system that seems to be copycat of Halo 3's. While the single player was excellent the never ending enemy barrages and the timed events grew old quickly and really pulled the player out of the game.
#5 Super Mario Galaxy
This is my only Wii title in this list and the only game this year on the system worthy of a spot. This game served to take platforming to it's top level. Mario is a the height of his powers here in Galaxy. There really isn't a better platformer. But unfortunately that's all that can really be said of Galaxy. It's Super Mario 64 on speed. But that isn't exactly a bad thing.
#6 Persona 3
It took us all too long to get to Persona 3. But really this is where it belongs. The game has an accomplished story and an even better and more satisfying combat scheme than many supposedly more advanced RPGs. The game is incredible and should be played by anyone who loved Final Fantasy. The game has the same feel but a more modern feel and a cool manga-like art style that makes everything look cool.
#7 God of War 2
This game having come out early in the year on PS2 seemed to get lost in all the noise of later titles. But the design and execution of God of War 2 make it certainly one of the best games of this year and the sequel can only highlight this fact whenever it arrives. The God of War franchise is the best of Sony's stable and will hopefully retain it's quality throughout it's existence no matter what version of the Sony console it lands on.
#8 Rock Band
The difference between Rock Band and Guitar Hero is simple a microphone and a set of drums. The game allows the player to choose an instrument and play either together in a band or join a A.I. controlled band that has a loose theme but not the kind of true theme that the player controlled bands have. The game is incredible and certainly deserves a high place on the roster for it's incredible amount of downloadable songs and the large amount of replayablity that the game engenders.
#9 Guitar Hero III
The game is certainly the crowning achievement of the series and even with a lackluster number of improvements or changes over previous editions the game is still a high achievement. With it's record sales and probably a partial reason why playing the guitar again seems to be an interest of children and oldsters alike. The game even being difficult is excellent and hopefully will garner a more innovative sequel in the future.
#10 Unreal Tournament 3
This legendary game is probably more full of potential than anything else. The gameplay and overall design are first rate. The lack of sales and seeming interest for the title are head scratching. But in six months this title will most likely be at the height of it's powers and might then take it's place among the greatest games on any system.
The games that were not listed here were either not good enough to be put on it or were beyond the experience of the author. This is not to say that these games are not good, simply that I haven't gotten around to playing them yet. BTW, as not worry anyone, Mass Effect would be #11 due to it's many bugs and boring vehicle sequences.