This hit the XBLM at around 4:30 AM this morning and I was hitting the download as soon as it did. I let my box cook all night and pick up this little demo while I slept.
I was finally able to get time to play the demo this afternoon. The graphics in the demo were incredible. I was really impressed virtually from the moment it brought up the first screens of the beginning part of the game. I love the mostly left in tack RE4 combat system. Not so impressed with the in ability to run backwards or turn easily and run away from one of the context sensitive triggers. I can't wait to see the final game to see if there is an upgraded control system or at least the ability to save the game and continue from there rather than having to start the WHOLE scene over again.
Also Sheva is a great addition to the game and certainly makes the feeling of being so isolated and alone less claustrophobic. But please Sheva, get out of the way. There were at least 4 times during my five play throughs of the demo where Sheva gets herself in some big trouble because she won't back track out of danger. Now, I'm sure someone out there is like; I don't care about that I'll be playing co-op through the whole game. And my response is, "Good for you." I won't... Most of my friends aren't around when I am and it was hard enough getting someone to play Gears of War with me let alone this game.
Also weapon switching could use some tweaking. Maybe allowing us to do it automatically with one button if we want to, because the game keeps going when you bring up the inventory screen so, it's pretty impossible to switch weapons during combat. Or even between enemies, it just takes too long.
The graphics and audio in this game is incredible. The game runs like a movie and the sound is extremely realistic. Also the voice talent that they were able to showoff in the demo was definitely great. I really have to suggest to ANYONE who even mildly liked Resident Evil 4 to download this demo.
Finally, I will give you a look at one of the trailers for the game so in case you've been living under a rock in Antarctica for the past couple years this will allow you to catch up.
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