There have been so many events that have occurred in just the time that has elapsed since last I wrote a real post on this blog. So I won't even try to sort it all out. There would be no point and many of you would get bored and go down my blogroll to some place more exciting. So I will make this short and to the point. I currently write three blogs this one included. One for World of Warcraft, one for Warhammer Online and this one. However, with the recent closing of Electronic Gaming Monthly and all that made it unique and the not so recent closing of Games for Windows Magazine and all that made that magazine unique. I felt it was time to return to writing mainly about console video games as well as writing about MMOs and PC games. So, I have undertaken a Herculean task and perhaps I won't be able to measure up. Please have patience there is only so much one person can do.
Anyway, I will bring up a few games that I have experienced recently, and give you my humble opinion of them. So here we go...
Mirror's Edge: Wonderful game where you are a 'runner" in the future where you have to save your sister and expose a dark conspiracy surrounding her abduction. This game has a killer art style and even some of the voice talent wasn't too bad in a Saturday morning cartoons kind of way. But the controls in this game were crazy. Once you got the hang of them and you basically figured out how to traverse terrain many times I found myself missing a jump or and grab just because my controller didn't respond quickly enough or too quickly. I guess I'm saying that it was a little buggy. And given the overall, quality of the game this was quite a shame. 7/10, please fix these problems and it will be a 9/10.
Left 4 Dead: What if you could play a movie like 28 Days Later or Dawn of the Dead? Well, Left 4 Dead answers this question but also adds the idea of playing the game with a few friends. Now that's cool. But the things I loved about Left 4 Dead aren't really either of the above.
I will say that the main thing I loved about Left 4 Dead was the weapons. Yes, the typical guns that everyone complains about. Why did I love them? Because even though they are incredibly traditional they ARE incredibly well done. But even more than that, the balance of each piece of the campaign and the incredible director A.I. that controls the flow of the game does an incredible job of dealing out an interesting and exciting experience. There is no story but the game really doesn't need one. The gritty reality of the situation doesn't really allow for much of a story explanation and would only slow down the game. I loved it, I was just hoping for more maps and maybe even more "boss" type enemies to really give your group a good challenge. I often found myself, totally destroying one boss only to have to wait an enormous amount of time for another. But hey, they are going to be adding stuff soon I hear. So 9/10.
Little Big Planet: Probably the BEST game to EVER be created for your PS3. I know some people would argue Metal Gear Soild 4 or Resistance 2. But This game can get ANYONE playing and there is an ENDLESS amount of replay time. The only platformer I like is Ratchet and Clank and this game is a platformer but this is the BEST platformer I've EVER played! If you haven't all ready picked up Little Big Planet I suggest you bookmark blog and then go to your local store and pick one up! Little Big Planet is FINALLY the REASON TO BUY A PS3! You will only need this ONE game to easily hold you over until ANYTHING ELSE you want to play comes out. So go get it 10/10!
So that's basically it.... Oh sorry forgot one thing....
I remember I promised you folks a Too Human review. So here it is. The game has wonderful controls, beautiful graphics, and an exciting original story. What it needs is some diversity in it's enemy types. Also the dropping of the 4 player co-op in favor of two player. Has kind of taken the bite out of the game. Finally, as good as this game was as a part one of a trilogy. I honestly hope that part 2 has a lot more enemies and some improvements in weapon types. Because at this point even after around 25 hours this game just gets kind of boring. 8/10....
So I know what your thinking.... These are old games... What are you going to review Dead Space next? Actually yes... So enjoy the blog and pardon some of the back catalog. I all ready told you I've been busy.
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