Friday, January 30, 2009
Dead Space Reviewed!
So here is the Dead Space Review I promised. I've been playing this game practically daily for the past few days and I decided to write up a review to bring up a few key elements. So here they are:
The game itself is a wonderful mix of Survival Horror and Futuristic Space movies. It's like Aliens. Which certainly would make most people totally flip. Which I suppose I would have if it was explained that way to me. Rather than Bioshock in space. Which I absolutely rejected out of hand like a bad reaction to old cheese or something.
The game does have the atmospheric horror that Bioshock has and it seems the creators also seemed to steal the audio log idea from Bioshock as well. Which is all right even if some of the dialogue was uneven and in some cases completely pointless. But hey, some of the Bioshock recordings were as well I suppose. I have the PC version on download, I'll get back to you on that one. It's been too long since I played the 360 version for me to say definitively.
But where Bioshock had plasmids this game has some silly telekinesis and statis abilities. Which while they made puzzle solving interesting in some cases. I could have lived without them. I would have been happy enough going around dismembering enemies and searching for survivors. I might have even been willing to throw a few switches to get the ship up and running but the puzzle solving here seemed a little pointless to me. Also more zero gravity and space combat with enemies would have been welcome and fun as well. The game gives you tantalizing tastes of this but never really flips the switch.
The overall design of the game was mostly stellar and I only found myself from time to time wondering what I was supposed to be doing or where I was supposed to go. There were one or two spots where I got stuck but then I guess that happens in every game. The easiest way out of most confusion was to simply hit the directional hint button. Which illuminated a glowing pathway to your next objective. This was great, considering many of the halls looked exactly the same and one could have easily gotten lost.
The three dimensional HUD that showed you everything from real time video to your inventory on a floating screen before your character was a real innovation and hopefully other similar games will take advantage of this idea.
All the weapons were upgradable and very interesting. Especially the Plasma Cutter which you start with and seems to be the best weapon once upgraded fully. Another standout was the wonderful Ripper that shot out a flying saw blade that would slice your enemies into ribbons. Your Rig or suit was also upgradable and made the whole game seem like maybe if you played twice and upgraded different things your game might change at least in some small ways if not significantly. Let me know about that one, I'm busy I can't play this again. I have WAR, Wow, and Warhammer Dawn of War 2 to play.
Dead Space certainly has wonderful atmosphere and a good story told directly through some real time video, cutscenes, and some audio recordings. Also there is a prequel movie(not included with game), which is probably more interesting after you play the game than it would be before. I would certainly like to see more stuff from this universe. But if the folks that made this game decided that it was just a one off. Then bring on the next game, because if this is your intro I can't wait to see the main event.
Unfortunately without a multiplayer, I have to give this game an 8/10. But if you love playing single player games over and over. Then this game is a definite BUY! If not, rent it... You will really love it.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Warhammer Online Age of Reckoning News: SO Much SO Fast, Not AT ALL what I was expecting!
First I want to link you to the Press Release on this in case I miss something. I am relatively used to big changes and big additions because I play World of Warcraft. But this new Warhammer Online Age of Reckoning Release is a little more than I was ready for when they were simply; in the beginning, going to give us two new classes.
This is, as the Release states:
"The Call to Arms live expansion, set to roll out for free in early March and running through the beginning of June, will also include three in-game live events, a new Realm vs. Realm™ (RvR) Scenario, added functionality to the Realm Wars section of the WAR website, the opening of the official WAR Forums, and a new free trial version of the game"
This is all incredible stuff and not to be a jerk or anything. I was really expecting them to fix what is out there rather than adding more to it. But hey who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth.
The sheer amount of stuff that they are adding, everything from a new zone to new scenarios. Also the two classes will be connected to a Live Event. This is all wonderful. But as I said, I just thought they were going to add two classes to the roster. Able to be played on Sunday or Monday.
Finally, Murder Night Live Event(February 6th through the 15th) where people on both sides are going to be marked for death by Khaine or Lob Noggins. I was certainly excited to hear about the specifics of the event. The hints this event through various blogs were certainly fascinating enough; but the facts were even better.
There is just SO MUCH here to be excited and interested about, but I was really hoping this stuff was going to happen sooner than later. But I should have known that this isn't the way Mythic does things. So I can wait and REALLY want to know what updates, fixes, and patches that are going to occur between now and then.
So I have to say this was really the coolest thing that could have been sent to me; except maybe the confirmation that I'd be able to play a Choppa or Slayer tomorrow rather than in March. But hey, good things come to those who wait. For even more info on the Event and the new classes head over to Pauls Video Blog. I'm sure he has a lot more to say and in a more entertaining way than I've been able to, here.
Warhammer 40K Ork Feature and some comments...
I've been playing the Beta for a while now and having a really good time. The game looks beautiful and certainly has some interesting and entertaining features. I would really love to play a little of the campaign before really making a statement about how good or bad the game is, but let me just make a couple of comments.
First and foremost, I don't like the fact that my hero unit is the end all and be all for the game's strategy. It's fun in Soulstorm because there are other units that are still usable and durable but in this game it seems like 60% of your other units are just cannon fodder.
Second, I really like the multiplayer capture system and especially the team games which are incredibly cool. I love having a bunch of different races playing against each other in an all out throw down. All the matches are 2v2 or 3v3 and are incredible fun. Just connecting with a bunch of people you don't know and fighting it out to the death when no one knows who's better is awesome.
Third, I really do like the way all the units look and play. I would really like to see more upgrades for your hero unit if they continue with the idea of focusing so much importance on it. A few of the current upgrades seem like throwaways and some seem like they take too much requisition or energy to get. Currently I love playing Orks and Tyranids. But I have played Space Marines in Team Battle to great success. It seems like all the races are well balanced and fun to play.
I honestly can't wait to see how many maps the game ships with and what the community does once a map editor is released. Currently the map selection is good, but I would really like to see more.
So go get the game, it's free to play the Beta right now. It may take a little bit for you to get the hang of how to play and what different units do; but hey we are all learning.... Hopefully the final product will be even better than the Beta.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Future's Future isn't looking good, are there going to be any US game magazines left?
Joystiq just reported a story about Future Magazine company not having too much success last year in the United States. Future publishes magazines like Playstation Magazine, Official XBOX Magazine, and PC Gamer. They also run and maintain the Gamesrader website.
While this is somewhat unsurprising with the recent closure of magazine Giant and industry hallmark Electronic Gaming Monthly. But what it is saying is that the business model that magazines currently have must be broken. There can be little other reason why these video game magazines are failing when other magazines that serve a much smaller audiences are still going strong.
There certainly was a time when there were FAR TOO MANY videogame magazines. But in recent years just about everyone of the magazines that are not closely affiliated with a bigger business model have failed wholly. Gameinformer Magazine for instance is closely affiliated with video game retail giant Gamestop. This relationship I'm sure has kept them a float when they would have otherwise failed. Also, keeping the size of the magazine down to a minimum doesn't hurt either.
Has the sun set on the day of insightful video game reporting in print? Has the internet wholly replaced print media in the video game industry? Only time will tell. But I hope not, hopefully all this tumult will result in a stronger, smaller, video game print media. But I guess we are also hoping the recession will do that to our economy; and that isn't going so well.
Final Fantasy XIII trailer, your reward for following the countdown, or just this blog!
Enjoy the trailer, but remember it's unlikely we are going to see this game in North America until at least 2010. I guess Square doesn't think Sony needs to sell PS3s here too. Oh and it will also be available on the XBOX 360...
Update: Joystiq posted the trailer....
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Resident Evil 5 Demo Hits XBOX LIVE MARKETPLACE!
This hit the XBLM at around 4:30 AM this morning and I was hitting the download as soon as it did. I let my box cook all night and pick up this little demo while I slept.
I was finally able to get time to play the demo this afternoon. The graphics in the demo were incredible. I was really impressed virtually from the moment it brought up the first screens of the beginning part of the game. I love the mostly left in tack RE4 combat system. Not so impressed with the in ability to run backwards or turn easily and run away from one of the context sensitive triggers. I can't wait to see the final game to see if there is an upgraded control system or at least the ability to save the game and continue from there rather than having to start the WHOLE scene over again.
Also Sheva is a great addition to the game and certainly makes the feeling of being so isolated and alone less claustrophobic. But please Sheva, get out of the way. There were at least 4 times during my five play throughs of the demo where Sheva gets herself in some big trouble because she won't back track out of danger. Now, I'm sure someone out there is like; I don't care about that I'll be playing co-op through the whole game. And my response is, "Good for you." I won't... Most of my friends aren't around when I am and it was hard enough getting someone to play Gears of War with me let alone this game.
Also weapon switching could use some tweaking. Maybe allowing us to do it automatically with one button if we want to, because the game keeps going when you bring up the inventory screen so, it's pretty impossible to switch weapons during combat. Or even between enemies, it just takes too long.
The graphics and audio in this game is incredible. The game runs like a movie and the sound is extremely realistic. Also the voice talent that they were able to showoff in the demo was definitely great. I really have to suggest to ANYONE who even mildly liked Resident Evil 4 to download this demo.
Finally, I will give you a look at one of the trailers for the game so in case you've been living under a rock in Antarctica for the past couple years this will allow you to catch up.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
It's Been too Long... Now is the Time!
There have been so many events that have occurred in just the time that has elapsed since last I wrote a real post on this blog. So I won't even try to sort it all out. There would be no point and many of you would get bored and go down my blogroll to some place more exciting. So I will make this short and to the point. I currently write three blogs this one included. One for World of Warcraft, one for Warhammer Online and this one. However, with the recent closing of Electronic Gaming Monthly and all that made it unique and the not so recent closing of Games for Windows Magazine and all that made that magazine unique. I felt it was time to return to writing mainly about console video games as well as writing about MMOs and PC games. So, I have undertaken a Herculean task and perhaps I won't be able to measure up. Please have patience there is only so much one person can do.
Anyway, I will bring up a few games that I have experienced recently, and give you my humble opinion of them. So here we go...
Mirror's Edge: Wonderful game where you are a 'runner" in the future where you have to save your sister and expose a dark conspiracy surrounding her abduction. This game has a killer art style and even some of the voice talent wasn't too bad in a Saturday morning cartoons kind of way. But the controls in this game were crazy. Once you got the hang of them and you basically figured out how to traverse terrain many times I found myself missing a jump or and grab just because my controller didn't respond quickly enough or too quickly. I guess I'm saying that it was a little buggy. And given the overall, quality of the game this was quite a shame. 7/10, please fix these problems and it will be a 9/10.
Left 4 Dead: What if you could play a movie like 28 Days Later or Dawn of the Dead? Well, Left 4 Dead answers this question but also adds the idea of playing the game with a few friends. Now that's cool. But the things I loved about Left 4 Dead aren't really either of the above.
I will say that the main thing I loved about Left 4 Dead was the weapons. Yes, the typical guns that everyone complains about. Why did I love them? Because even though they are incredibly traditional they ARE incredibly well done. But even more than that, the balance of each piece of the campaign and the incredible director A.I. that controls the flow of the game does an incredible job of dealing out an interesting and exciting experience. There is no story but the game really doesn't need one. The gritty reality of the situation doesn't really allow for much of a story explanation and would only slow down the game. I loved it, I was just hoping for more maps and maybe even more "boss" type enemies to really give your group a good challenge. I often found myself, totally destroying one boss only to have to wait an enormous amount of time for another. But hey, they are going to be adding stuff soon I hear. So 9/10.
Little Big Planet: Probably the BEST game to EVER be created for your PS3. I know some people would argue Metal Gear Soild 4 or Resistance 2. But This game can get ANYONE playing and there is an ENDLESS amount of replay time. The only platformer I like is Ratchet and Clank and this game is a platformer but this is the BEST platformer I've EVER played! If you haven't all ready picked up Little Big Planet I suggest you bookmark blog and then go to your local store and pick one up! Little Big Planet is FINALLY the REASON TO BUY A PS3! You will only need this ONE game to easily hold you over until ANYTHING ELSE you want to play comes out. So go get it 10/10!
So that's basically it.... Oh sorry forgot one thing....
I remember I promised you folks a Too Human review. So here it is. The game has wonderful controls, beautiful graphics, and an exciting original story. What it needs is some diversity in it's enemy types. Also the dropping of the 4 player co-op in favor of two player. Has kind of taken the bite out of the game. Finally, as good as this game was as a part one of a trilogy. I honestly hope that part 2 has a lot more enemies and some improvements in weapon types. Because at this point even after around 25 hours this game just gets kind of boring. 8/10....
So I know what your thinking.... These are old games... What are you going to review Dead Space next? Actually yes... So enjoy the blog and pardon some of the back catalog. I all ready told you I've been busy.