This is my second story on Warhammer Wrath of Heroes and if anyone thought the last story made it sound like I was working for EA. This story will sound like they fired me. If you want particulars about the game go over and read that other story. You can even see some gameplay footage there. But this article is written with the idea that you have all ready read the other article or all ready know what Warhammer Wrath of Heroes is.
Originally, way back in the closed beta(I will be estimating amounts here so don’t hold me to anything). The average amount of gold it would take to purchase a Hero was around 5,000. And you received probably around 500-1,000 gold a match. Which meant that if you played for a couple weeks every day eventually you could own every hero in the game. That seemed cool to me. You would then have to play each one of these heroes to level them up in their mastery trees and get advanced skills for them. Also, seemed cool. I was not even bothered by the 10-20,000 gold skins. I mean if you want a skin, your going to have to pay for it. Right? Anyway, all of this was great and while I wasn’t exactly in love with running the same three maps and same three modes from here to eternity, I figured that as it was a free to play game they would eventually update it.
Fast forward only a couple months later and the typical hero is now between 20,000-60,000 gold. You only receive a maximum of 1,000 gold per match; usually more like 100. And unless you are very good or very crazy there is absolutely no chance of you ever owning every hero in the game.
Before the great inflation I was able to get Ilanya; but before her and probably right before this mass price expansion I had Glowgob, Bax, and Felicia. Then EA reset everything and only gave me enough gold to buy one on-sale hero. Yes, at least they left me my winnings from my previous games. There have been many server resets and patches since and I guess they are happy to let me keep Ilanya who is 2/3 of the way to getting her full mastery tree and having all her skills. Only 7 more points and I get my final unique spell. But that’s it, if I didn’t like Ilanya I would be stuck with her.
Unless of course, you pay. And that my friends is my problem. I have rented guns in games, I have bought XP boosters, bought hats in TF2(haven’t we all, come on), and once I even bought some loot for a character. But NEVER have I actually HAD to buy a character. But you most likely will HAVE to buy a character in Wrath of Heroes. Because, you will not be able to get any mastery points on any of the free characters they give you. So you will basically get stomped, over and over. The game won’t be fun at all and you will just quit.
What I’m confused about is why EA didn’t just come out with this game as a downloadable on Origin for $20. The game would have done great. And that is basically what they want to you pay to have fun with the game anyway. So just take it up front. Why make us buy in-game currency(gems) so we can buy things from the store. Just charge $20 right off, run it as an Origin exclusive and there you go. Some people may say that it is better to try the game first and then pay. But if you can only try a limited number of heroes with a limited number of powers; that’s a demo not a F2P game. Oh, and demos are also usually free.
Considering how many feedback survey forms I’ve filled out EA is obviously not listening to me. So, if you want to play Warhammer Wrath of Heroes; just bare in mind you are probably going to have spend between $5-$10 to have any fun at all and if you want more than two characters, your probably going to have to spend more like $15-$20. Which is fine; the game IS probably worth that. But as a Free-2-Play game it stinks. Because yes, it’s free to play. But more accurately its free to get frustrated and die every single time. Everything else about the game is wonderful. That’s why it saddens me so much to say that this is one of the worst excuses for a free-2 play game; I’ve played. But bare in mind this game is still in beta. There is a chance(a very slight chance), that this economic problem will be fixed before they launch the game. Or perhaps they will come up with some kind of other system. Unfortunately due to the limited scale of content the game isn’t a good fit for a subscription model. So unless they lower their prices, I’m not exactly sure how they could make things better.
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