I went into the Binary Domain with no preconceived notions. I had only seen the game played once a few months ago, so I really didn’t know exactly what to expect; except that it was a third person shooter where you are shooting robots. But there is a ton more. The robots are bullet sponges, first off. You have to take out their legs most of the time and then work on the rest. Unless you are rocking the sniper rifle, then one shot anywhere makes them explode. Ammo is limited, even though some of the ammo can be purchased at in-game kiosks along with other upgrades for your character and team. Yes, your not alone, you have a little group of teammates that are basically there just to revive you and carry medpacks. They also move the story along, but that’s about it. I see them shooting but rarely see them hitting anything.
The limited amount of time I had with game told me two big things about it. The game is very eastern shooter oriented. Much like Vanquish or Lost Planet, the game has a VERY eastern feel. Which is great. I would love to see more eastern developers take on shooters; because they have a flair and style all their own. The A.I. of both enemies and allies is TERRIBLE! I just hope that the final build is at least a little better. I was able to run up to enemies and shoot them at point blank range; many times my teammates could revive me right in front of a a group of enemies without being shot. My teammates often purposely seemed to run in front of me while I was shooting. As this effects your relationship with them, that really sucks.
The controls and systems in the game seemed great and I really grew to like my teammates when they weren’t running in front of me while I was shooting that is. The only real problem I see in the game is that if the enemy A.I. doesn’t get better. The game will not only be too easy to play(I was playing on essentially normal difficulty), but it will also take away from some of the tension of the game. My advice for anyone playing the demo is to make sure you buy lots of ammo at the store because you will probably run out; often. At one point between store kiosks, I was trying to kill enemies with my pistol. Which was pretty terrible.
As much as I had a problem with the A.I. in the demo. I did really love the time I spent playing the game. It seems like a rather unique little game and I can’t wait to play the final version on 2/28/12. It might well be a hidden gem of this year. Good on Sega…
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