I haven’t played World of Warcraft for a year this month. Once I went to Blizzcon however, I some how got lured back in. The sense of community and nostalgic thrill that crept in finally over came me. This may seem like a crazy reason to return to the game. But with this strange confluence; patch 4.0 was also out. Which if you haven’t all ready experienced it. Changes everything. I had five characters on Horde side and retalenting each one of them really changed my attitude toward some of them. In fact, I started playing my Warlock again, which I had basically relegated toward basically a bank and profession alt. But with the new rebalance of talents and such the old specs that were good are no longer that great and over all it seems that the classes are far more balanced against each other.
The only problem I have of course, is I missed the entire endgame content for my Main and my Main isn’t geared anywhere near well enough for Battlegrounds. Which means I’m pretty much on hold with my Main.
I also started a new character, Troll Shaman. So that I can experience all the new Cataclysm content. Oh yeah, I pre-ordered the Cataclysm content. There are certainly plenty of things wrong with World of Warcraft in general and even with all the new updates and innovations the game is far from perfect or where I think the game SHOULD be after this much time. But, World of Warcraft is still fun and currently the only REAL viable MMORPG worth playing. Considering I’m so completely invested with multiple characters over 60. I feel like if I want to play an MMORPG, this is one.
I also can’t wait to play a Worgen. In fact, I’m going to give you all an update about the status of my Worgen progress on a RPPVP server, which I have never been on before. So you can all experience the coolness of the new race with me. I have NO IDEA what class I’m going to play. Hopefully something viable in a Raid but still makes sense with the essence of the race.
I certainly can’t wait for Guild Wars 2 to come out. Whenever that is… I’m guessing sometime at the end of next year. Which I’ll be completely done with all the WoW content by then.
Well, see you all on December 8th for the first WoW update. Oh and read the site between now and then too. Lol.
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