Wednesday, June 9, 2010

E3 2010… Cause I Guess You Deserve a Preview?

         Hello gentle reader,

            I suppose being the week before E3 you expected to see all kinds of previews and rumors and general garbage going up.  Well, too freakin bad!  I don’t do news, rumors, or anything like that unless it is as good as confirmed or if it’s just crazy and silly.  Not much out there strikes me as crazy or silly.  Except perhaps, the whole PS4 leak viral video.  Which has been bouncing around, want to see it?  You know how to get to Google and Youtube don’t you?  Well, go ahead….

        These days I’m more involved in getting reviews done and trying to find a book or magazine for the plane ride to Cali, to worry about what the blazes people are rumoring about.  The sheer bulk of B roll news rolling out is absolutely mind numbing.  But hey, lets not get overly negative here.  Look at the pretty soft kitten….  Isn’t she sweet.

      Anyway, look for a few reviews and some good stuff coming out of E3 next week.  I will try and get as much out at the highest quality possible.  As usual there will be a mix of video and writing.  So don’t get too bummed if things aren’t hot and heavy 24/7 that just means there is some really good stuff dropping.

    I’m certainly looking forward to seeing all that Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo have to offer but I’m also looking forward to getting my hands on Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood as I’ve never played a multiplayer Assassin’s Creed before.  Also I would love to get another look at DC UNIVERSE ONLINE and hopefully the Agency isn’t canceled and there will be more information on the future of the franchise.  I don’t know if Star Wars Old Republic will be there, but hopefully there will be at least a new trailer.  Of course, there will be surprises and I’m certainly psyched for those as well.


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