Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dante's Inferno: the Demo (PS3/XBOX360)


Today on PSN, Dante's Inferno Demo debuted.  For ANYONE interested in the game I would recommend you go over to PSN and check it out.  As the demo is PSN only, if you have only a XBOX 360 you are out of luck.  The demo begins at; what I can only imagine is the beginning of the game.  You are Dante, a crusader in the holy land.  Here you do some nasty stuff and Death wants to take you to hell.  Dante says, "Hell NO!"  And you get served with a boss battle against Death.  And Death is HARD to beat.  At least on Zealot difficulty, which is probably either Normal or Hard in this demo.  It was hard for me to tell.  Your battle with Death is brutal until you figure him out.  Basically, you need to stay in the air and hit him as many times as you can.  You then steal his scythe and destroy him.  If you've been having trouble beating him, destroying him is especially satisfying.


   The combat in Dante's Inferno while reminiscent of God of War it is not a God of War clone.  Once you are given your punish and absolution powers things change quickly.  You have to decide which your going to mostly do, and do that.  Punishment is more gory and arguably cooler but hey you ARE trying to get out of hell not straight in; so Absolve seems more logical.  The reason you want to do one more than the other is that for each soul absolved or punished you get experience for that side.  Each has a tree of progression where you get increasing greater powers.  Your holy powers are basically like magic in this game.  The punishment side upgrades your combos and scythe abilities.  I was unable to really get into either of these are it looks like the most points you can get in the demo are around 800 and the next upgrade for either tree is at 1,000.  You can use holy power in concert with your scythe unleashing some really wicked looking effects.  Besides these you also unlock super abilities that while using mana you can hold L1 and a face button to execute.  There are slots for each face button, so unless you actually have to choose powers in the end; I'm guessing you can only have 4 powers total.

       The demo is nice and long and I won't spoil the end of the demo for you.  Let's just say it involves riding a demon and it is really cool.  But I did have a few minor issues with the game.  In larger areas the camera gets a little wonky and at various points it went all Ninja Gaiden on me.  But I'm not sure if  this was due to the geometry of the level or perhaps the size of the enemy.  In any case it is far from a deal breaker.  The only thing I would like to see changed are the quicktime-like platforming sequences where in order to move from one level to another on a pole you have to actually press a button that just sticks you to the pole.  Which seems completely outside the mechanics of the game.  After all there IS a jump button.  But taken in the totality of the demo, I don't think that even this is a big deal.  Perhaps when people see the footage of Dante's Inferno they see God of War.  But I have to say, this game is going farther and I think it will be one of the best game of next year.

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