Monday, June 1, 2009

Microsoft Press Conference: Well that Was AMAZING!


      There we SO MANY things shown at this year's Microsoft Press Conference that it kind of struck me. Everything that was rumored was true and a few things that no one expected was shown off.

      I put up the Natal Project Demo video up but I thin that you folks can probably fly around the net to see any of the trailers or screens that are probably flooding the net as we speak.  I will give you one more for your lazy enjoyment.

     OK so I did this on purpose guys.  The top trailer being the MOST POWERFUL part of the show and the bottom one being the least powerful.  Everything in between was very impressive and incredible.  The main issue I have with the Beatles are the graphics.  The stylized Beatles just don't look very good and I think they could at the very least, given the original engine a little graphical boost.  But it is, what it is.  I would imagine most people will think that this game will be mainly about the music so that's fine and certainly not a major problem at the show.

    The Natal Project with the full 3D space motion being interpreted by the camera in SO MANY ways and being able to have one on one interaction between real people, your XBOX 360, or a character in a game were pretty freakin amazing and makes all the other game news kind of shallow end of the pool by comparison.  Although the full realization of this technology is probably about 2 years away and maybe even farther out than that.  Considering that developer kits are all ready going out and that it works on the regular XBOX 360 I would guess that by the time we see the end of this console cycle we will see stuff that makes what the Wii is doing with motion control look like something out of plug into the television land.


  Now I know I did say something a few days ago about not using Gametrailers video anymore.  But considering Alan Wake is one of the most anticipated games shown aside from HALO ODST of course.  I had to put up the video.  I was incredibly impressed by the fact that this game isn't a solely contextual based Quick Time Event game.  The game is more a third person action game than anything resembling Indigo Prophecy.  But the graphics do take a hit because of this and perhaps it could look a little better.  However, it's not coming out for another year so, hopefully the graphical problems will be polished away and this game will be as ground breaking in every way as it's been promised.
" height="392" width="480" codebase=",0,0,0" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"   
  Of course no one could have ever expected that Crackdown 2 would make an appearance with a full trailer.  Like a said everyone expected just a few little announcements and what we got was a four star explosion of just about everything we could have ever wanted.
  Finally. and I'm only summarizing here.  I would just like to say that I have NEVER been more impressed by a Microsoft Press Conference than I was with this year's E3 Press Conference.  I have only highlighted a few key areas here and I'm sure over the coming week there will be lots more video and probably even more information.  I certainly have criticisms of the presentation but really these folks were all REALLY NERVOUS and it was obvious that no one except perhaps the guys from Harmonix were not in their element on this big stage in front of all these people and being broadcast out to SO MANY people.
   The show was TRULY about SHOWING and not telling and WOW did they have stuff to show!
    UPDATE:  This just in, as with everything else E3, there is news that wasn't shown in the Press Conference; this is from Kotaku:

"Microsoft had more news than they could fit in their press briefing, announcing an on-demand download gaming service during a post-briefing lunch. Microsoft points not required.

Xbox Live's Marc Whitten announced that, starting in August, Xbox 360 owners will be able to download full Xbox 360 games. Titles shown in a dashboard mock-up included Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, BioWare, LEGO Star Wars and Oblivion.

New games will be offered each week.

Microsoft points will not be required, as the service will support credit card purchases.

Whitten declined to say how closely the games will be released to regular retail releases. Prices were not announced."


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