Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Steam Night, Maybe everyone should try it!


   Last night, after an all night gaming stint on Friday night I kind of got sucked into some insane time with Steam.  First I played Plants versus Zombies which is an excellent game from Pop Cap.  That let's the player plant, plants that will attack the invading zombies on your property.  The game is one of the fastest selling that Pop Cap come out with.

      The game is incredibly addictive and I usually play a couple of hours when I do play. To try to keep from playing too much.  Mostly because the game can really suck you in.  What is SO addictive about the game?  The slow increase in difficulty. The game doesn't have that crazy 0-60 attitude that SO MANY titles seem to have.  Especially, in games like this.  Also, the game is incredibly funny and has some inventive game mechanics.  I love it, a review is probably coming but it's a great game and it's only $9.99 on Steam.

    Once I finished there, I decided to check out the new stuff on Team Fortress 2.  Especially after hearing that they had a new weapon drop system rather than making you do all the achievements.  Getting back into the groove of playing TF2 took a few games; but this is another incredibly addictive title and the tendency even with strangers is; one more round. 

   I normally play the Medic or the Heavy.  But last night I mixed it up with the Pyro, Sniper, and I even played the Solider.  I didn't get any new weapons but I did get a few achievements which are all ways fun.  Most of the games went really well, but as the night wore on people started dropping and not coming back.  So after I while I quit as well.

   I then fired up Bioshock.  Which I downloaded around Christmas and never got around to playing.  I did finish the game on the 360, but I think it was only around $9 on sale; so I couldn't refuse.  I was shocked by how absolutely incredible the game looks on the PC.

   The game controls very well and I was surprised how well the game holds up.  As long ago as this game came out, the DirectX 10 support for the game seems to make it absolutely beautiful and certainly mechanically the game is still the best FPS in existence.  I played on a little harder difficulty than I normally would and I did screw around a lot more than I did the first time through.  I'm not entirely sure that I will be purchasing the game on the PC when Bioshock 2 hits.  But this certainly makes me think it's in the realm of possibility.  What impresses me most about Bioshock now, is that unlike a lot games that came out at the same time.  This game looks like it could have come last month.

     By the time I was getting done in the Medical Pavilion it was pretty late so that is the end of my Steam Night which probably took me around six hours.  It was certainly a lot of fun and a nice break from the games I usually play for review.  I know most people probably don't spend six hours a night playing games, and I don't usually either but any of the above titles I would STRONGLY recommend to ANYONE looking for a good experience.

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