Seems like a long time since I last posted here. Sorry folks, but as you can see there is plenty of crazy videos up for you to scan. Some new and very cool, some just a taste of stuff that's coming out.
But I'm back and concerned. Because over my extended vacation(working/school/playing games). I've discovered something a little disturbing. There has been a shift in technology where it concerns some new releases that folks who aren't multi-console owners might not have noticed.
The Club and Devil May Cry 4 play better on PS3. I don't mean just a little better or have some kind of cosmetic improvement. No, they ACTUALLY work better. I can't play the Club on the XBOX 360 and my combos are all most impossible to achieve on the 360. Why is this? Well, according to Capcom, Devil May Cry 4 was developed first for the PS3. But the CLUB? Nothing has been mentioned about this being ported to the XBOX 360. The problem with both is the XBOX 360 controller. It's not that it's uncomfortable. What is wrong is the fact that the buttons have been mapped in such a way that makes the game virtually unplayable.
If this continues to be the trend and the horrible and continuing issues with XBOX LIVE. Ps3 might actually hit it's projections for this year. Although any launch units of the XBOX 360 are probably going to end their lives this year (sometime) mine is having some strange booting issue that has nothing to do with red rings of death. So I will probably bite the bullet and pick up an Arcade unit for $280 at least it will have an HDMI port. If there are other people like me out there, it's possible 360 could have another banner year.
This is the screen I've been seeing alot lately. Yes, perhaps this is the reason this blog isn't being updated more often. If anyone would like to pay me to do this, I can promise it will be updated 7 days a week. Anyway,
World of Warcraft is probably getting their next expansion Wrath of the Lich King this year. Many fans hope this is the case. But I'm starting to wonder. I truly believe that Starcraft 2 will hit around the holidays and Wrath of the Lich King will hit in January. I don't think Blizzard wants the two products in the pipe at the same time.
The total popularity of each franchise could certainly compensate for any potential problems with sales I suppose. But honestly I don't think that Blizzard will take that chance in these days of abysmal PC game sales. Just ask the guys at Crytek and Epic about how PC games are selling.
Besides this, only people who have a Level 68-70 character will be able to take advantage of the expansion. Which as far as I can see will leave at least half of the World of Warcraft population out. Myself included. So I guess sales could be affected on that front as well. Although I will be buying a collectors edition of both games. Just cause I'm a BIG Blizzard fan. But this whole discussion is mote because with the Vivendi/Activision merger there is no shortage of cash to support a longer development cycle or marketing plan.
Also, some crazy stuff has happened like the cancellation of the Marvel MMORPG which everyone was really looking forward to. But Cryptic and Microsoft couldn't play nice which is nothing new. Microsoft needs to put their house in order before they lose their lead over Sony. Age of Conan should be out soon for the PC and as well as Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. According to analysts in order to compete on World of Warcraft's level the competing company would have to invest 1 Billion dollars into it. Which I don't think Funcom or any other developer or publisher is going to do.
However, all is not lost. The next frontier of MMORPGs seem to be on the consoles. From the little I've seen of the Agency it looks top notch and heck Age of Conan could be fun on the console once they get all the kinks ironed out on the PC. Also, I don't have a PC capable of running Age of Conan, Warhammer, or just about anything other than World of Warcraft and some RTSs. So until I get a new PC, I won't be picking those titles up either. Anybody wanna send me $1,000 for a new PC? Aww come on, I'll be your best friend.
I know I've all ready gone on too long. So I will cut this off. But just let me say, this is the year of XBOX LIVE ARCADE. Just don't SCREW IT UP MICROSOFT, and make me a liar.
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