Monday, December 1, 2014

Batman: Arkham Knight - Ace Chemicals Infiltration Trailer: Part 2

Dying Light First 15 Minutes(IGN)

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Friday, October 31, 2014

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Current(Next) Generation of Consoles: One Year Later

          Seems like just a short time ago when were all waiting for the XBOX ONE and Playstation 4 to launch.  Getting over the horrible Wii U launch, everyone was just looking for some new hardware.  For most people who considered themselves “hardcore” gamers the choice was clear; Playstation 4 for the win.  For all those people who doubt the power of the gaming community just look at the sales numbers for the XBOX ONE, PS4, and Wii U over the course of the last year.  The PS4 is firmly in first place, XBOX ONE in Second, and Wii U bringing up the rear even behind the Vita and the 3DS, in most months.  This sheds light on a bigger story.  The dedication of the each company to the people who they want to buy their console.  I just won a XBOX ONE(thanks Ubisoft), otherwise I STILL wouldn’t have one.  If, for reason, I should win a Wii U or come into $350 that I can’t find a use for(yeah right); I’ll buy a Wii U.  Now, perhaps your thinking I’m a Sony fanboy or perhaps my view is too skewed for it to matter.  But let me tell you this, I love great games regardless of platform.  And since Wii(the original) and the last year of the XBOX 360 life cycle it is hard to be anything but in Sony’s favor.  Companies make or break their business these days not by their marketing dollars or the public face they manage to squeak out.  No, these days, they make it on the games.  If you cannot deliver you are not going to do well.  Let’s clear some things….

      The Wii U was going to be the next greatest thing for Nintendo.  People were supposed to take to it like the Wii.  Except that the closer we got to launch it seemed that Nintendo needed to lean on the alienated enthusiast market to get it’s market share back.  But when the system launch it had mostly ports, no amazing first party game.  In the two years since, Nintendo has managed to put out a handful of really good games.  But only a handful and their third party support is non-existent due to both a small install base and the incredibly underpowered console. Oh and did I mention that there are studies that show that Wii owners are still confused as to what the Wii U is; yeah I could have never made that one up.

     XBOX ONE was supposed to be the central box for your media hub.  Problem is that no one wanted that, no one even wanted a Kinect.  Of course, most game journalists were saying this months before E3 of the launch year of XBOX ONE.  Seems like Microsoft thought it knew best.  A few months later, due to very poor sales they decided to drop the Kinect and focus mostly on games again.  But it took the console practically failing and the cutting of a great number of jobs at Microsoft.  XBOX ONE is just starting to hit it’s stride and with the price cut that started right around the time of this writing, I’m sure that the console will do much better over this holiday season.  Due in no small part to some AAA games that are exclusive to XBOX ONE.  But they have a lot of ground to make up.

      PS4, while some features talked about during E3 last year are still MIA on the console.  And there are certainly some issues with the console becoming a bit Indie top heavy.  The steady stream of descent games and with some good surprises like Evil Within and Lords of the Fallen.  The system is well on track to embrace the avalanche of good games coming in February of 2015.

       But this is far from the end of the story…  The general consensus of players and reviews seems to be that this generation of the console is not good enough.  The games should be more innovative, have better graphics, and of course have better stories.  Even while many players still pray to the altar of the indies where most games couldn’t afford to have a story if it was the central theme of their game.  What has created this monster?  Well, other than many people in games journalism growing too old for their jobs(those who have played over 1,000 games in the last three years need not apply, PLEASE). 

      The other thing, with the XBOX 360 and PS3 life cycles lasting FAR TOO LONG.  Probably more than five years too long.  The PC gaming market has really grown some teeth.  Many games not only have to go up against others in their genre.  But the console and PC versions of the game are always being compared.  When this happens too much over too many games.  We get the kind of statements like, “Well obviously the ONLY way to play this game is on PC.”

    This was the case before the launch of the XBOX ONE and PS4 for just about every game that came out.  Areas of games had to be removed or down rezzed so much that the game looked completely different on their PC counterparts.  While the power of the XBOX ONE and PS4 has not been fully explored.  It seems like the power of the PC is in full effect.  A developer has a choice whether to lower their total expectations to get the game on the PS4 and XBOX ONE or throw a whole bunch of power at the PC and make it the best version.  While many of us have computers, few of us have the kind of PC that could easily best a PS4 or XBOX ONE in raw graphics power.  And if we do, then the thought of buying an XBOX ONE or PS4 is laughable.  Of course there are console exclusives and such but the being able to play some games that are last generation only in much higher resolution or current generation games at maxed out specs is certainly a good substitute.

     What am I trying to say here?  Easy, if you have 2 or 3 grand for a PC that can play any game out there on max settings and  are set for the next two or three years; then your business is already lost to Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo.  This is what I was afraid of when heard the specs of the new consoles for the first time.  I was like, “wait, doesn’t that seem kind of low to you?”  As it turns out, I think it is, even today.  With the TV world ramping up for a medium priced 4K onslaught.  I find it hard to understand where developers are fine with their games not being able to run at 1080p 60fps.  Now graphics aren’t everything(as just about every game journalist reading this, is crying at the screen right now).  But it is the easiest way to sell new consoles.  The average person walking by and being blown away by the graphics is an easy way to sell both consoles and games.  The rest is for an ever decreasing game journalism community to point out to their readers. 

    The rise of the indies is fantastic in one way but in another way; the unorganized, uncurrated way in which just about every service has them, is getting a little bit annoying and troubling.  A few years ago, the gaming press as a whole was completely ignoring the indie scene.  There were probably around 200 games a year coming out for indies and it wasn’t very easy to get press or have your game known at all.  These days there are more like 2,000+ Indie games coming out a year and the gaming press frequently spend a descent amount of time on at least 10% of these during slow periods during the year.

     There are certainly the people, most people who love Nintendo and PC gaming, that feel that Indies are the best place to find good games.  But there are only so many adventure/video novel games I can play or 2D platformers with 8 bit graphics.  I lived through that era, and MAN AM I GLAD IT”S OVER!  This was the reason I didn’t play games or was interested in them for almost ten years(they looked crappy and they played more or less the same).  I have to admit that there are definitely some gems amongst all the garbage.  But just like music, picking your favorite indies is pretty damn subjective and while I do still love some of the old timers at sites like IGN, Gamespot, etc…  Their tastes in games are WILDLY different from mine.

    Not to get too off topic.  My basic argument here is that the expectations on current generation games are directly proportional to the practically non-existent expectations for the average Indie game.  This is HORRIBLY unfair.  Having your site use the same 2-3 number score to reflect the last 10 games or so; is really not helping anyone.

Reader:”So this game is 7.8 that makes it better than the one you just ranked 7?”

Game Reviewer:”No, not really, each game is different, each score is different.”

Reader:”  Really?  So what difference does it make then.  Just say the game is good or bad.”

Game Reviewer:”Well, that doesn’t work on Metacritic.”

Reader:”Well, what difference does Metacritic make when each score is different?”

   Hence, the pointlessness of the argument that just about every major outlet uses when called out that they really only use the 5 numbers of the their 10 number scale for reviews, more than 80% of the time.  This is a bigger issue for game journalism and the outlets who support them.  But this is getting a little out of hand.  When an outlet runs a review of 6 for a game and then subsequently talks nonstop about the people who work for the company playing a ton of it and how great it is.  I think someone should have paid more attention to the initial review and less to getting said review out the week the game comes out.

   All is not doom and gloom.  The games that are coming out this year and those that are coming in the first part of next year, look to be some of the best we have had in a while.  I think that the view of the new consoles held by the average person is unreasonably bad.  While things are not all sweet and wonderful.  I think we have to realize that we have reaped what we’ve sown. 

    Overall, we should be happy with the results.  I think anything else is just unreasonable and not unaware of the realities of what is possible in the industry right now.  Maybe in ten years things will be completely different games will be wonders of innovation at every turn.  But until we get back on track from our ten year hiatus of laziness.  I think we should be pretty happy with what we have gotten on average most games are better than average and believe it or not; far better than they were on the XBOX 360 or PS3.  Wake up and stop looking to the PC for your comparisons.  You didn’t spend two grand for your console, don’t expect it to perform like you did.  I certainly can’t wait for next year.  Things are looking good so far.


November free Stuff for Playstation Plus: More Indie games, not that there is anything wrong with that...

Friday, October 24, 2014

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Guilty Gear Xrd Demo Playthrough 4K (PS4)

A City Sleeps: Giant Bomb Quick Look EX

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Crazy High-Level ClapTrap Build

Assassin's Creed Unity & Black Flag Xbox One Bundle - Announcement Trailer

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Classes & Skill Trees Breakdown

Project Spark Overview Video

Destiny: Easily Beat this Week's Nightfall Strike on Earth

Shadow of Mordor - How to Kill a Warchief When Everything Goes Wrong

Killer Instinct: Maya Does a Stage Ultra

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Exploit: How to Level Up Multiple Characters(PC Only)

Dragon Age: Inquisition Official Trailer - The Hero of Thedas

Halo: The Master Chief Collection's 8 Maps You've Probably Never Played

XBOX ONE October Update Explained

Evolve Savage Goliath

Play Your Way Thursday [Round 4] - HC - Sweeping Thunder Crusader

World of WarCraft: The Iron Tide Arrives

Friday, October 3, 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014

Destiny Review(PS4): Your Light is Not Strong Enough


September 9, 2014
PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360
4/5 Stars
          I first heard about Destiny at E3 a couple of years back.  The more I saw of the game the more interested I became.  Then I played the Alpha and I was sure that this was the best game of all time.  In fact, even after playing the Beta, which had unskippable cutscenes I was still pretty sure that Destiny was going to be my favorite game ever.  Since Destiny’s release, I’ve played it around 31 hours or so.  I didn’t, as most reviewers and journalists did, decide to play the game straight through until reaching the level cap of 30 or until they just couldn’t play anymore for at least 8 hours a day for almost a week.  I can’t imagine doing that with any game and coming out with a positive view of the product.  ANY GAME!  Every one had about the same opinion and I can’t say I completely disagree.  So here we go, what’s wrong with Destiny? A lot!
         Destiny is a big game that takes at least around 14 hours to play the first time through.  By this I mean, you will complete the story and probably be around level 18 or so; if you at least participated in a strike or some multiplayer.  Up until this point, I would have expected things to be completely golden.  A lovely story with a nice ending followed by a kind of new game plus effect; where we continue to level and do other stuff.  Not so, because Destiny is just Part 1 of a longer story so the end of the game is like the end of a mission.  It just ends…  The story is practically non-existent and even reading the Grimoire Cards on this is kind of dumb, I realize).  You don’t get too much more story.  The world is definitely seeded with some incredible possibilities; I just wish they had made use of them.  Every mission, for the most part, boils down to wave based survival.  Every strike is also about the same.  With a boss added in for flavor.  Who spawns, you guessed it, wave after wave of adds(lesser powerful enemies).
       After finishing the story, you will have to grind until you hit level twenty which is where things change.  You still gain abilities for both gear and yourself, but the only way to level is find gear with light on it.  This means that the game you began where you just kill things and get stronger is a lot different.  The entire game basically becomes a rep grind. 
       Anyone who has played an MMORPG knows exactly what this is like.  Except, of course, in the endgame of an MMORPG you can play dungeons that you are pretty much guaranteed in getting what you went in there for.  Another words, said boss drops said item.  Not so in Destiny, bosses don’t really drop much of anything and there is a chance you will get a good reward and there is a chance you will get crap.   Not cool, right?  So your best bet is to grind rep with the Crucible(multiplayer matches) or the Vanguard(single player or strikes).  There ARE other factions but I say this because it takes a LONG TIME to grind this rep and you have essentially been grinding a little rep with Vanguard and Crucible while you were playing your 1-20 game to begin with if you were doing bounties.  So it’s just easier…  Once you hit level 20 you also have a random chance of getting good stuff in the world.  I think this is kind of a sliding scale, because I never really got anything until I was level 23 or so.  I’m sure there is some backend metric for all this but I haven’t seen anyone even try to explain it.  There are plenty of people using loot caves and other gear grinding methods but none of them have worked for me so far.
       This would not be that important except that levels after 20 are even more important than they were before 20.  Most strikes are not even doable for a group that is one level below the suggested level for it.  Multiplayer is much harder when going up against people of higher level, except in modes where the levels are turned off or equalized.  There is also quite a bit of locked content behind all these levels as well..  You cannot play NIghtfall Strikes or the Raid, Vault of Glass.  Until you are at least level 26.  In an MMO this boils down to what used to known as Attunements, the game would require you to gain faction rep with one or more factions in order to proceed into the dungeon.  Usually only one person had to do this.  Destiny takes this a step further by making everyone grind enough rep to not only be able to purchase enough gear from the vendors to do the dungeon but ALSO you must have either Vanguard or Crucible marks to buy the gear.  For most people, I think this is a bit much and I don’t really think most people with play the Vault of Glass or the Nightfall Strikes.  At least not this year.  For the record, most MMORPGs no longer use attunement as most players complain about it and most developers realize that it locks players out of content for no good reason.
     Judging by how much Bungie seems to be adding to Destiny, incrementally and through events.  We may look back at this first game one day as most people look back at games like Call of Duty or Halo and say they were good for their time but the later versions were much better.  But as someone who has a very love/hate relationship to Destiny this really can’t come soon enough for me.  What is there to love about Destiny?  Well quite a bit actually…
      Destiny’s graphics and art design are probably the best I’ve seen on the PS4.  And that is taking into consideration games like Second Son which has some mind blowing graphics in it’s own right.  The sound design is wonderful and while I would really like to be able to shut off the announcer in multiplayer.  In general, the sound design and music are first rate.  The mechanics in Destiny are unrivaled by any first person shooter to ever exist.  Shooting feels amazing, movement is amazing, and the minute to minute gameplay is probably the greatest I’ve ever experienced.  I cannot think of a better experience I’ve ever had playing a game than Destiny.  It’s problem is only the context of that gameplay, not the gameplay itself.  If Destiny had been a movie game or perhaps based on an established franchise; I would say the game would be getting 9s and 10s across the board.  Because the actual gameplay is incredible.  The multiplayer in Destiny is far better than average and while there are still plenty of noticeable glitches and failed kill detection.  I would say by and large I’ve never had a smoother online experience than with Destiny.
     In the entire time I’ve played Destiny I’ve never been dropped from a multiplayer match and I’ve been kicked from around 3 Strikes.  That’s it.  The game lost connection to it’s main server once.  Which means that in the entire time I’ve played the game I’ve had 4 problems.  In more than 30 hours of gameplay.  That is stunning, it’s Blizzard level amazing.  Whatever Bungie is doing, I think the guys that run the Call of Duty servers could learn from them.  Because it usually takes around 3 hours to rack up that kind of record in Call of Duty not 30.
      While Destiny didn’t live up to the hype.  It is probably the best FPS of the year and might even be in top ten for the best XBOX ONE and PS4 games this year.  If you love FPSs then you will love Destiny.  But with that said, just be ready to grind it out after level 18.  Make sure to do lots of bounties and if you possibly can, grab some friends and either join a clan or create one.  Because all of these will be serve you the best as you rise in levels.  Destiny is a fun game, that needs a bit more content and probably A LOT more STORY to make it a five star affair.  But the way things have been going the past couple of years, I’ll take that over what we usually get.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Styx: Master of Shadows - Assassin's Green Trailer

     What I find interesting is that it's a downloadable.  XBOX ONE and PS4.  Keep this in mind while watching the trailer.

Destiny Become a Legend Trailer

Destiny - Dust Palace Strike Walkthrough(GS)

Dead Rising 3 PC Trailer

Monday, September 1, 2014

Friday, August 29, 2014

Shadow of Morder PAX 2014 Trailer: Meet Ratbag

Gameinformer Hands-On with Dragon Age Inquisition's Multiplayer

Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell Debut Trailer!

Massive Chalice: Brad Muir Walkthrough

Dying Light Developer Diary "Natural Movement"

Costume Quest 2 IS COMING!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Salt and Sanctuary Announcement Trailer

    That Castlevania 2D episode you ordered came out a little different.  But hey, I'm sure you'll like it anyway.  Might be worth me finally buying a Vita for, Viva la Crossbuy!

Infamous First Light Review

                                                                                                                                  Infamous First Light
Sucker Punch
Sony Entertainment
August 26 2014
4/5 Stars

        Once I finished Infamous Last Light, I think I understood why everyone was so down on it.  The game is far from perfect but it is also a $15 game that takes around 6 hours to complete.  Which is far more than most $60 campaign focused games these days.  I didn’t mess around very much in the world.  I will probably do so now.  Once the player finishes the game they get access to a free roam of the world and they also unlock unlimited access to the game’s arena mode.  The arena mode, is kind of like it sounds; challenge based, combat focused tasks against A.I.  Nothing innovative there, but I don’t think that’s what Infamous First Light is about.
       Story wise the game is nothing to write home about.  If you played Infamous Second Son you know it already, sans the details, of course.  But none of the game will probably surprise you very much.  Having played Second Son recently, not to completion; I felt prepared enough for this game and I was prepared.  Most of the game is pretty easy, there are some minor challenges that seem a little unfair but you can continue in the middle of the challenge in most cases(except for one that I know of), and you can pretty much brute force your way through if you have to.  Which was fine, I didn’t come to this game looking for a really big challenge.  If you want that you can play the endless arena mode til you turn blue in the face and try to be the person topping the leaderboards.  Personally, I didn’t even look at the leaderboards; because as Fetch you don’t have all your powers.  Usually in arena modes this is a major factor.  So I might mess with them later on, once I unlock everything.
       One of the big things that comes over from Infamous Second Son are the stellar graphics!  I loved playing this game and while the cutscenes were pretty mind blowing; the regular game isn’t any slouch either.  The music and sound design were also first class.  I never felt the need to turn off the background music and it never annoyed me hearing some of the voice samples for a the third time.  All of it stayed in the background, not annoying; just adding flavor and color to the game.
      For a $60 product Infamous First Light is a little simple.  For a $15 one, it is AMAZING!  Truth be told it is probably a $15 demo for Infamous Second Son.  But heck, for me it was time well spent and I will certainly be playing a little more.  While this game certainly COULD have been better.  I think considering the price, it is an excellent game and I truly enjoyed playing it and FINISHING it!

Lords of the Fallen World Trailer

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Infamous First Light Hands On Impressions...(Around 2 hours in)


       First and foremost, I would suggest that anyone interested in playing this game; not watch ANY of the MANY WALKTHROUGHS that many of the major outlets are doing.  The game has been out one day and all I see on Youtube are video walkthroughs.  I think that's a bit much...  Anyway...
     Just recently picked up Infamous Second Son and I am playing through that story.  Probably around half way through.  I decided since I knew who Fetch was and what her basic story was that it was cool to play this game.  It's a blast...
     You can fly through the city using your light dash without worrying about using your light bar.  Unlike Second Son you upgrade crazy fast.  You can do side activities, hunt down orbs(that are pretty hard to get in the beginning), and do missions to gain upgrade points.  And they fall like candy from a pinata.  But your going to need every point you can get when the bad guys in the challenge missions start shooting at you. For the most part the in world missions are relatively easy so far.  But the challenge missions are, wait for it... A challenge...
    This isn't a review and while I really do love the game, I'm only 31% of the way in and while I intend to finish both this and Second Son.  Perhaps someone who has recently played a lot of Second Son could be burnt out on not only this kind of game but this kind of gameplay.  But for $15 this is an awesome amount of game for your buck.  Review pending...  But so far so good.

Everything IGN Knows About Dragon Age Inquisition's Co-op Multiplayer

Lichdom: Battlemage Launch Trailer

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Thank You! Thank You ALL Very MUCH!

        So first and foremost I would like to thank everyone who has been visiting this site since I dropped off the face of the earth to pursue all of my other interests which include the Among the Wreckage Book Review Blog. 
       Not limited to it though.  I've been working on writing a few books of my own with varying degrees of success.  Yes, I've discovered that creating things is hard.  Which is probably why I think most people are too hard on video games.  They are incredibly hard to make and many people devote a large portion of their lives to them.  So when people dismiss some of them out of hand.  It is pretty hard to be anything but disgusted.
       That is not to say that there aren't a lot of bad games out there.  In the age of the Indies and Steam Greenlight there seem to be a never ending pile of garbage covering over the descent games.  I don't know what the system for sorting through all these games should be; but currently it just seems like, with a few exceptions, there is FAR MORE bad than good games.
        The funny part of this is that books are going through the exact same thing as video games.  Except in books, it seems to be more a matter of what people are willing to pay than a problem that financing a book from a major author is expensive.  Readers have gotten a taste of the free to $3.99 market and don't care how crappy a book is just that it's cheap.  More like the mobile games market has been on and off.
         What I find so interesting and so hard to just completely ignore are the deluge, and yes, it's a deluge.  Of completely uninformed and seemingly uninterested game journalists.  They work for the big outlets, mostly as second stringers or perhaps folks who cover an event and nothing else.  I'm sorry but if I'm getting paid to cover a game on a live show I MIGHT actually google that game ahead of time and at least know SOMETHING about it.  But that doesn't seem to be their concern.  What I also find strange, is that the people who DO KNOW about games are being systematically fired from the industry for, get this...  Making too much money!  Yes folks, most of these people live in San Fransico or L.A.  where gas can be over $5 a gallon.  But these folks can't be making $30-$50 grand a year!  Oh no, why would they want to start a family or actually live in a descent part of town.  No, that's just TOO MUCH!
         Meanwhile, the executives at these companies are making upwards of six figures and see nothing wrong with it; even though they are just cookie cutter positions that can be filled with a Pizza Hut Exec.  just as easy as the Exec from Ebay.  There IS NO DIFFERENCE!  They are just glorified paper pushers who learn how to be executives, not the head of a particular company.  This is made more obvious every time the folks running at IGN or Gamespot make a decision.
         Currently, I feel like Polygon is supporting the entire game journalism industry with excellent news and some descent, if not over harsh reviews.  Giant Bomb is #2 down, from #1.  While the move for half the staff to Chicago and then New York; has resulted in some good video and some even better straight up journalism.  The overall production of the site seems to be just reaching the status quo and while Dan Rykert has been less of an improvement that probably the other dozen people they could have chosen.  He hasn't derailed the site as much as having so few people there doing the actual video production work or the in office journalism.
          What do I have against Dan?  He is never prepared.  He doesn't have much of the information that most the viewers have.  I have heard him answer some questions in the negative from a place of pure ignorance rather than actual opinion.  He has also, managed to do nothing for the opinion of the site as a bunch of guys just messing around.  As it seems that he is more interested in Wrestling than in video games. 
        This was not supposed to be a tirade about Dan Rykert, I loved his work at Gameinformer and his video show, Replay.  I'm not entirely sure what happened but I don't like it.
         Anyway, I think that with SO FEW positions available in video game journalism, companies should try to find the best people for the jobs not just the easiest people to train.  I also think that considering Twitch is on shaky ground as a streaming service for games in the future.  The heavy reliance that many companies have put on it should be reexamined.  How long with it be before Youtube falls into the same trap.  The idea of having millions of people streaming video content is an awesome one.  But our society seems to go for the quick buck rather than what is right for world every time and this will happen with these services just as it did with the proliferation of internet service.  It's 2014, people, we should ALL HAVE FREE HIGH SPEED GIGABIT ETHERNET!  This would not only change how our society functions but the job opportunities and educational opportunities would be limitless.  But it's SO MUCH better to have one or two companies stranglehold internet service and thus begin creating a state where in order to use the internet or say something on the internet you must deal with them.
       Our parents allowed the cable and satellite companies to control our televisions and we are still trying to pry them away.  Are we going to let this happen with our internet as well?  Probably, because the people in control, are too rich to care.  They just want their big money now and they don't care what happens down the road.  Well, that kind of thinking is basically what will not only be the end of the US but of other country in the world.  People need to start thinking about the future and less about onyl the next five years.
        My advice for fixing all of this?  Well, first and foremost pay attention.  Don't be the most uninformed person in the room.  Try to be the most informed.  If there is a game that you love, talk about it on Twitter.  Tell your friends, you know the people you know in real life.  Make sure to call the journalists on their mistakes.  Not in a mean way, just let them know in the comments, politely what their mistakes were and where they could look for the information.  On Youtube, make sure to LIKE the videos you like.  I knwo this sounds stupid.  But the more LIKEs a video gets the better in does with marketing types.  Companies want to know that their dollars are going to something that is doing well.  Make sure to subscribe to Giant Bomb if you love the content over there.  About the other problems I talked about?  Write emails to your congressman or congresswoman and let them know that you are concerned about these issues.  And vote, those government types really respond to that.
       That's my advice and if any of this made you mad, or upset.  Sorry.....

           And if that made you mad?  You have no soul and I cannot help you... :)