This game is coming out this year on PSN and XBLA. It’s going to be a top tier fighting game as a downloadable. It’s SO AWESOME! More videos incoming as the developer makes them available.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Graphical Future of Video Games is here! Tomb Raider!
This is a CGI trailer but many screenshots have shown the gameplay to not be THAT far off from this. I hope that developers will see CGI trailers like this one and think about the possibilities for projects on new hardware that is inevitably coming down the pipe.
On side note, don’t expect too much from me as far as video next week. I won’t be at E3 and while I will be following developments; I probably won’t comment or put anything up until afterward.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Your Behind the Wheel! (My 1 Minute Review) (L.A.Noire)
L.A. Nore is the most uniquely engaging game story wise that I’ve ever played. But the rest of the game is terrible. The open world aspects, while used in an interesting way later in the game, really drag the entire game down. I believe it’s the amount of voice talent and world streaming that made this game too big for its own good. I would have much rather had three discs for the 360 where the game was rendered in the highest possible resolution rather than the odd high resolution original Xbox bodies and environments that we received instead. And while the actual game blows Heavy Rain away, I think that the whole in the case is greater than the sum of it’s parts. While interrogation is the main focus of the game, this too breaks down a little, later on in the game. While there are certainly realistic reasons why the developers had to use the very limited system they did for the interrogations. It doesn’t help the finished product’s quality all that much. I can live with pop-in, getting stuck on geometry, and terrible A.I.; because this game is so different and so out side of everyone’s current experience. This is a great first step to bring games one step closer to being more dramatic and more mature. L.A.Noire was a great experience, but I’m glad to be done with it. 8.5/10…