Saturday, August 29, 2009

15% of Heaven! Batman Arkham Asylum XBOX 360/PS3!


   Yes its TRUE!  For the FIRST TIME IN HADES TIMES HISTORY!  I will be reviewing BOTH the XBOX 360 version of Batman Arkham Asylum AND the PS3 version!  I'm SO EXCITED!  Why is this?  Well, the PS3 does have the Joker free Challenge Maps and the XBOX 360s' controls seem to be a little better.  But as the title suggests I'm only 15% of the way through the XBOX 360 version and I'm only 5% through the PS3 version(I just got the PS3 version tonight).  So its hardly a good time to judge.  So far it looks like it's going to be close.  But hey how much does it really take to tip one over the other? Historically, not too much.  But I will say, as the title suggests; this game is incredible!  It's hard without being frustrating and even though I hate the checkpoint system; its pretty forgiving so far.  Someone at Capcom might want to pick this game up(Sorry guys but geez, learn to code save anywhere features if you have no checkpoint judgement, no one likes it or appreciates it.)

   So now don't take this as a review, but I'm telling you that I've not found the first 15% of any other games more enjoyable as this one.  So take THAT for what's worth.  Review incoming....  When I'm done, I've 20+ more hours of gameplay here folks; give me a break. See you in the Asylum, unless I see you first!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009


     To absolutely NO fanfare at ALL the Wet Demo hit the XBOX LIVE MARKETPLACE yesterday.  And usually I pick one night a week and play ALL my demos.  This one stood out head and shoulders above all the others.

    I was probably one of the only people that was in love with WET at first sight.  Way back when they showed the sexy trailer at E3 of 2008.  Since Bethesda has taken it over however, the game has blossomed into FAR more than a mere curiosity.   The game is incredible, for the most part.

    The demo that they give you to play is rather lengthy and in the menu screen they do show a Challenge mode that you can't play but I can't wait to give it a shot when the game comes out.  Sounds like this is TRULY a perfect game for a challenge type mode.

    WET makes Devil May Cry 4 look like something we might play on the PSone.  WET allows you to play RUBI who has two guns and a sword.  The bullet time is reminiscent of games too many to list that uses it.  However, the game allows you to do it, over and over; chaining them.  You can also get close enough to enemies and slice through them with your sword.  All this DURING bullet time.  Its amazing.

   In the demo you are allowed to play the infamous highway chase scene which allows you to shoot while jumping from car to car.  Its fun and even though most the sequence is done through quick time events.  Which I ALWAYS HATE!  But considering they actually have you using the same buttons as you would if you had control, I didn't mind it as much.

    The arena sequence in the demo; where tons of guys just pour out vans and start shooting; is amazing.  I truly loved doing it, even though I died once during it and had to start it all over again.  I'm guessing the save system in the game won't be very forgiving but in general this probably helps the player build their skills with RUBI's moves.  Because the game is REALLY challenging in this way.  But not in a frustrating way; the developers SEEM to have found the sweet sauce of challenging versus frustrating.  This is a lesson CAPCOM REALLY NEEDS TO LEARN.  So hopefully someone at Capcom will give everyone a copy of WET for Christmas.

   OK guys, go play the demo and then you might do as I did; and STRONGLY consider pre-ordering this game.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Champions Online Preview!

    Let me say right now that this is DEFINITELY a preview based on the Beta; Not on final code.  I will say however, that I spent approximately 12-15 hours playing.  Which I know, is a VERY SMALL amount of time in terms of someone's experience with an MMORPG but that's why its a preview.

   Champions Online is a super hero based video game for the PC.  The player creates a unique character built using VERY detailed tools.  This design is not permanent but the player will have to pay in game money to change the design once it's been created initially.  This is the first MMORPG with the exception of City of Heroes(another Cryptic Studios game) that has you creating a semi-permanent design that doesn't change with gear.  This seems like a nice fit in general, considering how often does Superman change his costume, not often; if ever!  But it does change the player's concept of progression.

   The character creator DOES allow you to create VIRTUALLY ANY kind of hero.  But everything is buried.  If you are feeling even in the least bit lazy about your character design initially you might want to wait.  Because the majority of the character design attributes are vast but you have to look for them.  In most cases they are tabbed off the main one or perhaps in a different drop down menu that is not the default tab.

   I would say the average time it takes to make a descent hero, is around 10 minutes but certainly changing things and trying things out could run into a MUCH LONGER time.  The options are certainly more comparable to City of Heroes than World of Warcraft.  But they are more diverse and varied than even City of Heroes if you actually take the time to use the options.  Every time you create a hero you get a comic image, issue #1:

    Dark Storm(pictured above) was my VERY FIRST character.  He was a REAL work in progress.  What I did do with both my of characters is that I chose custom choices for EVERYTHING; from powers to body type.  My character started out being a mix of electrical powers and Darkness powers.  Both of which are incredibly powerful if you up their ranks.  This character was a more caster type focused hero and seemed to work pretty well as a lot of the gear had intelligence and constitution on it.  I certainly couldn't tank for a group or anything but I wasn't a glass cannon either.

  My second hero(pictured above) was a more tanking type character.  He had a long range attack that was all right but no REAL area of effect attacks.  He had a wonderful push back attack as well as a great crowd control that ACTUALLY killed a lot of enemies once it was upgraded once.  He only died a couple times while fighting a boss character and if I didn't do anything silly, he was all most impossible for most similar level enemies to kill.  There is a kind of a strange point around level 10 where you really have to make the right decisions to make your character more powerful.  I would suggest ranking up existing powers rather than trying to get new rank 1 powers.  It just isn't worth the newness to have more powers but all powers at a lower strength.

The gear that drops off monsters, bosses, and what you get from quests are random and usually odd looking little thumbnail pictures that you drop into whatever slot it highlights.  The gear such as it is can also be crafted.  Which in some cases can be REALLY amazing.  But at low levels it's all most not worth the trouble considering how often your gear is changing.  There is no gathering profession per se.  And you can only have one crafting profession and one specialization in that profession.  The gear certainly is categorized from different areas like science, arms, or mysticism.  Which is fine, except that it really makes no difference to anything and the fact that they feel that making them seem different to go along with the theme of your character seems a little unnecessary.

   During the time that I played there were certainly bugged quests and even a crash here and there but this was the beta and this was to be expected even by the time of an open beta.  After all, Age of Conan still had a couple of bugged quests a year after launch.  But in general everything worked pretty well, and seemed pretty much done.

   I was impressed that even during the beta the game allowed for XBOX 360 controller compatibility.  Which in most cased was really a pleasure.  You still need to use the keyboard to talk to people.  But all the combat and movement could be controlled using the controller.  It also made the game more action feeling, which is great in any combat centered game.

   I did play through a difficult instance style situation with my first character.  It was a lot of fun playing with a full group of 5 people all totally decimating the monsters and villains.   The instanced nature of every part of the game at first made me feel a little skeptical about rolling with a group but it seemed to work out well.  It is hard for me to understand how hooking up with the same people multiple times but not being part of a permanent group seems like it would be a challenge considering every time you leave one server and enter another you could be doing so with TOTALLY different people and this happens quite often within the terms of normal gameplay.  However, this might be fixable with a patch or even a mod.

  The graphics in Champions Online running on a pretty beefy machine with everything turned on looks pretty good; certainly better than most MMORPGs out there right now.  But certainly not even comparable to a game like Aion Online.  But then that was probably obvious from the character models on the comic book covers.  The game in some cases attempts to be very cartoony for the effect of you playing a comic book.  Which is all right but stylistically they might have chosen better had they chosen differently.

   The PVP(player versus player) in the game is more or less non-existent considering that you are all playing super heroes.  But there is the arena in which you square off against people of a level in your range. Like if your level 15 you play with people who are level 11-20.  This is normally a fine way of playing PVP.  But with this game the difference between a 11 and a level 20 is SO GREAT that it really would take too many people ganging up on one high level to EVER bring them down.  Hopefully this is either a balance issue that can be changed or something that is less extreme as you gain levels.

   In the time I spent with Champions Online I truly enjoyed tinkering with my character and destroying everything in sight.  It really makes you feel powerful and in general its a lot of fun.  I would have liked to see a little more exciting cutscene when defeating a Super Villain but maybe that will come after launch.  At this EARLY stage of the game; it seems to take just a little too long to get from level 1-20, which I wasn't able to do considering I wanted to try two different character types.  My first character hit around level 12 and my second hit level 11.  Considering the amount of time I spent with the game I probably could have leveled both to 20 if this was World of Warcraft instead of Champions Online. Perhaps the amount of XP given for quests needs to be increased.  But this was only my experience.

    There are certainly plenty of things to like about Champions Online and if you aren't all ready deeply invested in another MMORPG its probably worth a try.  Hopefully they will have trial subscriptions as that is usually the only way people who aren't in the beta get to try MMORPGs out.  However, as it stands right now(in the beta remember) the game doesn't seem to have the capacity for great longevity and considering there is really no particular REASON to collect one set of gear over another and considering getting new and different costume pieces involves unlocking them rather than getting them from quests the thrill may not be long lasting.  But if you are looking for the NEXT best Super Hero MMORPG I would suggest checking this game out.  Because your next chance won't be until some time next year with DC Universe Online; and while that game LOOKS awesome, you never really know.

     Finally, Cryptic did announce that there would be an XBOX 360 version of the game coming out next year.  But I would think the PC version will be the lead SKU, so if your computer can play the game with most of the features turned on, you may want to stick with that.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Human to Worgen Transformation video!

  So I'm glad to take some time out to blog, because I guess I would just be watching the live stream over at of the tournaments.  I haven't seen any as of yet.  I've been too busy with panels and trying to get to play Diablo 3, Starcraft 2, and the new races for WoW.  Maybe today I'll at least get to see the finals.

Another Cataclysm Video! Thanks Giant Bomb!

  Now aren't you sorry you aren't at Blizzcon?  Well, maybe next year you can beat the other 5 million people trying to get 26,000 spots.  Seems kind of like the lottery of games conventions or something.

Giant Bomb Brings you some Diablo 3 Monk! Cause I don't have a video camera!

    Can't wait to play this guy in full game.  I think he might be even more interesting than the Witch Doctor.  But hey, I play a Pally in World of Warcraft, so maybe I'm bias.

Friday, August 21, 2009

World of Warcraft Cataclysm Trailer! Thanks Giant Bomb!

   After watching the WoW Preview Panel, I really can only say that I love what they are doing and I am busily leveling my current toons so I can start a Worgen and maybe a Goblin.  Worgen Druids for the WIN!

If you don't Know what this means, COUNT yourself LUCKY!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Games On Demand: Who is this service for?

   Games on Demand service went live TODAY along with plenty of other features that came along with this update.  Before I really found out the specifics of the service I was absolutely thrilled.  I haven't had a chance to pick up Assassin's Creed and I need a copy of Mass Effect just in case there were a few things that I missed when I played through the game the first time for review.  However, the farther from E3 we got, the worse the service sounded.  First, there would be NO new titles coming to the service.  Which kind of stinks considering everyone would love to not have to go to Gamestop to pick up the latest title.  Even better we could maybe pre-load games to our XBOX 360 and when the game went live we could play right away.  That would have been wonderful.

     But this didn't make me as angry as what happened next.  The pricing for the games.  They are priced at RETAIL!  I'm sorry, what exactly are we paying for?  Data and the right to play the game.  There is no BOX, no manual, no disc stamping!  The games are old, so there is no advertising involved, so what is going on? has Assassin's Creed priced for a FULL BOX COPY at $25.99 and we have to pay $29.99 on the Games on Demand service for nothing more than a copy of the game and nothing else?

    So who is this service for?  Perhaps people who live SO FAR away from a store or their mail box that the only way they are going to be able to get games is from the service.  The only problem with that is they probably have satellite internet then and it will probably take them 2 days to download the game.

  Perhaps its' for rich people who want to own a bunch of games that they could get for half the price at Gamestop.  I guess Gamestop is THRILLED with this, anyone going in and seeing that the same games used are about half the price of those of Games on Demand will actually make MORE people purchase them. won't even show the prices of the Games on Demand.  They say to "check marketplace."  What they think people won't comparison shop?

   I love digital distribution, I haven't purchased a boxed PC game since Wrath of the Lich King came out and I purchase about one PC game every 2 months.  I love it!  But this IS NOT the way to do digital distribution.  The service NEEDS to give me a REASON to download the game, other than instant gratification!

Of Worgens and Goblins! WTF?

   I haven't done a World of Warcraft post for a while as it appears that Project Lore is slowly self-destructing.  So I figured yesterday's "leak" of Worgens and Goblins as the new Races in the next expansion, apparently called Cataclysm would be a good post.  As I have a VERY strong opinion on this.

  Its ridiculous!  I honestly will say that this whole thing appeals to SO FEW people that I really can't even begin to understand it.  Blizzard had complained a while ago about no one was playing Horde because they didn't have enough pretty races. So how do Goblins, help with this?  Goblins are gnomes and orcs combined.  People in general hate both; its a two for one!

  Worgen on the other hand are monsters.  We kill a slew of them in Duskwood.  Are these supposed to be nice werewolves.  I think the story folks at Blizzard have been reading too many Twilight books.  This would be like taking Dragonkin and making THEM a playable race.  Even better making them an Alliance race?  I could all most see Worgens on the Horde, but the Alliance?  Supposedly there are some lore foundations for all this but people this seems like a bit of stretch.  I guess the folks at Blizzard felt a new Class would be too much work.  Which is probably called for considering how crazy powerful Death Knights are.  I play a Death Knight and I STILL feel they are crazy powerful.

   I will probably play a Worgen, in some fashion as an alt.  But there is NO FORCE ON EARTH THAT WILL GET ME TO PLAY A GOBLIN!  I don't care what their starting area looks like or what their racials are.  I just don't like them and never have.

   Considering we currently have a SERIOUS healer shortage on most servers considering the call seems to be going out DAILY for this instance or that instance that needs HEALS.  I would have thought that a new HEALER class would have been MUCH BETTER than ANY new races.  But hey, I guess I don't get paid to make these decisions so what do I know.  All I can say is that if we get an influx of Hunters, Rogues, and Warlocks.  Because they are SO COOL to play as Goblins or Worgen; I'm going to just roll my eyes and shake my head.  Considering the class imbalance is all ready there, I think it's up to Blizzard to do SOMETHING to fix it and making two new races really doesn't do that. Sorry guys, but I REALLY want to hear the explanation for this at Blizzcon, I'll be there.  Taking notes...

Call of Juarez Bound in Blood Review

  The latest offering in the Call of Juarez franchise is a prequel.  Which in itself is strange considering I wasn't really wondering how the first game happened.  But hey, it doesn't really matter in the end.  The McCalls; Ray and Thomas are out to shoot folks and get themselves some Aztec gold.  And hey that sounds like fun to me.

   Call of Juarez begins during the Civil War where you are forced to play Thomas because for some reason he was chosen as your focus character.  I can't tell you why except that maybe some of his mechanics are unique so the developers thought that if you started with Thomas you would never switch to Ray.  Which wasn't true for me, as I hated the whip mechanics from the first game and everyone will be happy to know that they haven't been improved much in the second.  Wonderful...  The story takes center stage in Call of Juarez and it is probably the best thing about the game on the whole.  Which is kind of sad to say about a FPS.  The story takes you from the Civil War right through into the days of the old west.

   I have to make comment about the various on rails shooting sequences in the game.  They are broken.  The guns that you are shooting are usually VERY inaccurate and often don't portray very well the power of the actual weapon that it is supposed to be depicting.  The Gatlin Gun that seems to make innumerable appearances in the game was a devastating weapon and would have easily torn anyone apart that got close to the gun.  In some instances people and horses are simply hit as if they were being struck by rifle bullets.  Not really what would have happened.  Oh, and there were even instances where people were shot multiple times before they died, yeah that wouldn't have happened either.  You were basically cut in half by the weapon, that was kind of the point.

   This leads into another part of the game.  I was really excited to be able to upgrade my guns.  This is a part of many western style titles that I usually absolutely love.  But in Call of Juarez, the only difference from one gun to the next is all about aesthetics.   Perhaps the load time IS longer on the Volcano Gun versus the Ranger.  But I really didn't notice when you were loading 12 bullets versus only 6.  Sure it's going to take a little longer and you are going to load the bullets differently.  But there was no REAL gameplay effect.  Also, the guns are supposed to get more powerful and/or more accurate.  This might be happening with rifles and shotguns.  But my Ranger Prime bore no power or accuracy difference from my Volcano Prime; even though the latter was supposed to be one of the most powerful guns in the game.  The latter guns, rifles, etc... Certainly looked cool, but that seemed like about all.

  Also, the ridiculous mini-game style distractions in the game that all seemed to be bordering on broken were also nothing to redeem the title from a fountain mediocrity.  Dropping explosive barrels from a great height and then telling me I have to shoot the guys dropping them.  When in fact, I have to shoot all the barrels is kind of mean.   I believe I had to restart about 4 times before realizing the game was actually lieing to me.

  I did kind of like the shooting mechanics although I felt that your character moved MUCH too slowly.  The game reminded me of the original Unreal where you had this big weapon and you were slowly moving down this hall and that hall.  When you actually had to jump it was impossible to believe that this slow tank-like character would be able to make it.  I guess that's why there is no platforming in Call of Juarez.  Thank GOD for small favors.  The areas of the game where they let you ride a horse were incredible, if there was anything they nailed in this game it was the riding and shooting.  It was great, until they shoot your horse out from under you anyway.

  The multiplayer which I was REALLY looking forward to, ended up to be a bad rip-off of Call of Duty Modern Warfare and Darkwatch!  Each game wonderful in their own right but put together its like putting ice cream on a hamburger.  It sucks!  I did have fun for around 20 minutes but as the game went on I kept thinking about where I could get a copy of Darkwatch and if it would run on my XBOX 360 or not. 

  Perhaps they should have spent less money on having a multiplayer mode , as it didn't work that well in the first game and instead spend some money on character models and voice acting.  For a game that was centered around a story the VERY WORST part of the game were the HORRIBLE character models.  The best models in the game were the Mccalls who probably wouldn't win any beauty contests.  But compared to the ugly group of cronies that populate this game they are gorgeous.

  The above is the love interest in the game. She kind of looks like somebody from Left 4 Dead or one of the Romero vampire movies.  I was wondering all throughout the game who the guy was who was left alone with the unreal editor over a weekend and got REALLY DRUNK and then made all these models.  Then some how everyone said,

   "Well they aren't THAT bad, and they look like so much work to do over again."

   Can we patch these people with better skins or something?  Its awful!  The voice acting is hokey and probably they were going for spaghetti western style and I guess they achieved that but it doesn't do a lot to immerse the player in the world.

  To wrap this up.  I didn't mind playing through Call of Juarez Bound in Blood once.  But if you had paid anywhere in the neighborhood of $60 for this game you would be REALLY unhappy.  I did leave out a few more things I didn't like about the game, the duels for instance.  But why beat a dead horse.  Don't buy this game and if you REALLY NEED to find out the story and play through the game.  Rent it.  That's it, that's the best recommendation I can give this game.  Oh and Ray is the best character to play as, no matter what anyone says.  By the way, Darkwatch IS backwards compatible with the XBOX 360.  Just in case you wanted to know.

CO-OP Episode 208: The Typewriter!

CO-OP Episode 207: More food and videogames!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

League of Legends Intro Walkthrough From Giant Bomb, because Free-to-Play games don't come with manuals.

Delay of Games! Did you REALLY think this wouldn't happen?

     Back at this years' E3 I was confronted with such a glut of games to make anyone think that perhaps this year would resemble the gaming nirvana of old.  Back in 2007, we had such a year.  But those days are gone people.  Really, they are.  When I saw all these titles my first thought was; all most none of these games are ACTUALLY coming out this year.  Probably more like beginning to middle of next year.  Just the idea of getting Rock Band Beatles, Guitar Hero 5, Modern Warfare 2, Bioshock 2, Dragon Age Origins, Mass Effect 2, HALO ODST, Left for Dead 2, Brutal Legend, Uncharted 2 Den of Thieves, Forza 3, Borderlands, and the HUGE AMOUNT of PC only titles supposedly on the slate. Like Champions Online and Starcraft 2.  The feeling I had was pure skepticism and the fact that everyone kept saying end of the year or fall made me feel this even more.  I figured they were probably shooting for this; but game development is a little too fluid to all ways hit their mark; and marketing even more so.

    The cold hard facts are that the history of game releases has proved to just about every game developer that even though Christmas is a great time to release games; but it isn't the ONLY time to release games.  In some cases, coming out with too many games at once creates a shortage of money, drains the market and we end with one or two HUGE titles and everything else gets the shaft.  Anyone remember the Christmases of Beyond Good and Evil, Prince of Persia, and Psychonauts?  I'm sure the publishers do.

    There have been a raft of delays rolling through the gaming news in the past two months.  One of the biggest being the pulling of the rumor carpet out from under us with Blizzard saying that Starcraft 2 is coming out in the first half of 2010 rather than this fall or Christmas.  According to Blizzard this is due to problems with which there have been but I think they could have probably sewed all of this up; but why?  They can just come out after all the hubbub and get a nice clean launch.  I think they probably preferred that anyway.  Its not as though they are going to lose money by waiting.  Everyone loves Starcraft and will probably buy this game if it comes out on December 1st or June 1st.  As for all the other games NOT coming out.  Well, there are a few big ones being delayed.  But really guys, this just gives the developers time to make the games better...

   Yeah I know, it doesn't seem to make much difference.  If the game is great it could launch a month early and be great and if its bad it could come out a year late and it not matter too much.  I know this seems contrary to logic; but history seems to show this happening WAY TOO OFTEN!  The big games that ARE STILL hitting before 2010 that you probably want to check out are:

    1. Batman Arkum Asylum (August 25th)

   2. Dragon Age Origins (11/3)

   3. Brutal Legend (10/13)

   4.  Dirt 2 (9/10)

  5. Wet  (9/15)

  6. Halo ODST  (9/22)

7. Modern Warfare 2  (11/10)

"Wait!"  You say, that can't be all!  No, it probably isn't but these games are coming out in the near enough future that they PROBABLY won't be delayed.  I'm going for safe bets here.  I'm looking at you Assassin's Creed 2 and Splinter Cell Conviction!  Just remember that this isn't exactly the best economy for games to come out to HUGE day one sales.  So don't be surprised if one of those games you haven't heard too much about lately, all of a sudden gets delayed.  Also, if you REALLY want a game make sure you pre-order because this is the ONLY way that the developers and publishers get a CLEAR idea of what the interest in their game REALLY IS.

  On a side note, I know I haven't been around as much lately; and for that I apologize.  But you should be looking for a Call of Jaurez Bound in Blood review shortly and also a preview of a secret game that will also be launched before 2010.  Its for the PC....  It might even be a positive preview, wouldn't that be nice for a change.  But I make no promises, I'm not done yet....

Monday, August 3, 2009

Wet Shot at Love Viral Video

Somebody at Bethesda's marketing department deserves a raise for this one!